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Anytime Red was near an adult she would flinch when they raised their hand.

It's not that she was scared... no... but years of abuse from an adult who's your parent that's supposed to protect you can do that.

Red had opened up to Chloe after they got to know each other and told her about what her mom before they went back in time did to them..

It's not that Red hates all adults it's just.... she doesn't like people touching her.

If someone ever puts their hands on her without asking, it feels like it's burning.

"Hey Red?" Chloe called from her side of the room.

"Yeah?" Red answered.

"Why do you only ever let me touch you?you avoid everyone else, mainly adults" Chloe asked.

"Everyone else's touch burns and as for the adult thing... years of physical abuse can do that to you" Red replied which made Chloe frown and went to hug her girlfriend.

"Let's go and go cuddle" Chloe said as she picked up her girlfriend.

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