Blair ✨

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"Princess it's time to wake up," my father says softly as his head peaks through my door.

"I'm up father," I reply as I slowly turn over to grab my phone.

Checking my phone, noticing the date says it's Monday October 12th. Realizing that today is the day I have to present my English project to the class. Afterwards I spring to my feet and walked over to my closet to put on my navy blue skirt and white uniform shirt.

Then walking over to my vanity to then brush and curl my hair. Afterwards doing a light makeup look and spraying my Dior perfume, I then proceeded to walk down the elegant staircase to the kitchen. Greeted by Rose our nanny to a wonderful assortment of pancakes and French toast. Alongside with fresh strawberries, blueberries and raspberries from the back garden. We sit in silence as Rose, Reese my sister and I all silently enjoy our breakfast before heading off to school.

Reese and I gather our lunch and backpacks as we both get into Rose's car. We arrive to my school as I get out and say goodbye. After that Rose drops Reese off at the middle school.

The enormous front doors of my prep school always scare me as I walk in feeling like a small bug compared to them. The school as a whole looking like an elegant castle. I make my way to history with enough time to spare, so I can double check my English presentation.

At lunch I sat alone in the cafeteria, which at this point was normal to me. When I was younger I wished I had at least a friend. But now I just use this time to study and get ahead with my homework. After a while this worked to my advantage as I began entering these math competitions and winning more and more awards for my studies. It got to the point where universities were reaching out to me at the age of 12. Sadly now all the other students look at me as the preppy smart girl and don't talk to me unless it's about school work.

The rest of the day goes by at a normal pace. My English presentation went really well as my teacher was impressed by my work, and awarded me with 100%.

As the school day ended, I walked out to the front to get picked up by Rose. We then drove to pick up Reese. Today however, Rose took us to get a sweet treat at a small bakery downtown. Inside the small bakery shop that had the smell of cinnamon sugar with a hint of pumpkin spice, we picked up a small cake for my parent's anniversary.

The drive home was very peaceful as the sun lightly shined onto the orange autumn leaves. When we arrived home, I went straight up to my room to get a head start on homework before my virtual classes. So far, I'm taking 5 AP classes at school while also taking 2 more on my own time. I then worked on homework until I received a text from Rose saying dinner was done.

After we ate a delightful dinner of spaghetti and meatballs, we enjoyed the beautiful cake and celebrated my parents anniversary. The pumpkin spiced cake was very delicious and very filling. Afterwards I went upstairs to brush my teeth, do my skincare, change into my pajamas, then finally get into bed and sleep.

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