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I got out of my car and stepped onto the sidewalk

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I got out of my car and stepped onto the sidewalk.

Kazuha had told me Hanni was here at this park, now I just need to look for her myself. It's about damn time we see each other again.

I started walking towards the busier main area, but as I was doing so I felt something bump into me. I looked down and it was a small child, she fell on the ground from the impact. "Owww," she said, rubbing her knee, I looked around to look for her parent but nobody was coming from the direction she came from. Well, I've waited 3 years I can wait a little longer and help this kid.

I kneeled in front of her to get on her level, but now that I'm looking at her closer she seems a bit familiar. I just don't remember why she looks familiar or if I've seen her before. "My bad for bumping into you kid, I hadn't seen you." I helped her stand up, "Are you parents around here? Why are you unattended?" I asked her, she briefly dusted off her clothes before looking back at me.

"Mommy is at a bench, I need the restroom." She slurred out, well that explains it I guess. She must've run off without asking her mother to accompany her. "Shouldn't have run off kid, your mom's probably worried about you-" I was quickly cut off by a scream, "Danielle!"

I looked behind the kid to see a woman running, who was probably her mother. She was too far for me to make out her face. The child turned around and ran to her mom. They hugged each other tightly, bringing a small smile to my face.

Well thankfully that was resolved quickly, now I can get to looking for Hanni.

"Baby, I was so worried." Said the woman, she raised her head briefly, revealing her face to me. That face-

My eyes felt as if they would pop out of my skull if they opened any wider. It was her, Hanni. How could I not be able to tell those features are hers?

Those eyes of hers, those lips, her cheekbones, everything about her. I've seen it countless times so why can I still not believe it's her?

I don't want to believe it is true. Because if it was then- the kid. No, she couldn't have. But they're hugging each other, and the kid recognizes her as a parent. My fists tightened and my jaw clenched harder than ever before. She gave birth.

To someone's child. My body felt like an empty shell, like my soul had completely disappeared. Goosebumps ran on every part of my body, but it quickly passed once I managed to fully process it all.

Who the fuck did she have sex with. Just who the fuck got her pregnant.

Every single drop of blood in my body was boiling, my veins feeling as if they were about to burst, and my jaw, aching with how much pressure was on it. "When the fuck did you give birth to a child. Hanni?" I said the tone of my voice fueled with hatred and disgust, a venom lingering in my words. That's about the only way to describe it.

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