IV. what the, why is he here?

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"as you know, you are being moved to a new class for the rest of the semester, i don't get why you choose to act up but if you cut up in this class, you are never coming back." kageyama was definitely listening to the president of the university talk, definitely.

kageyama was lead in a classroom that he never knew existed - he don't pay attention to his surroundings - kageyama usual scowl vanished when his eyes locked on a certain blonde.

"sorry to interrupt your class, mr.takeda. i'm here to bring him here since he'll be taking your lesson instead of ukai's." kageyama was not listening to their conversation, his eyes focused on the blonde who head music playing in his headphones, he was looking out the windows.

"ah yes, kageyama you can sit in the empty seat beside tsukishima." takeda smiled and kageyama felt his heart rate speed up, why was this happening to him right now.

kageyama walked to the desk and sat down, tsukishima finally turned his head and they made eye contact, tsukishima didn't look for long because he looked right back outside the window.

"as you all know, everyone has to submit a project by a certain time, what project do you guys want to focus on?" takeda asked his class, kageyama really hated this project shit.

he wanted to get away from the project only to be pushed into yet another project.

"what about we just do projects about argumentative topics and human rights." someone from behind kageyama has said, takeda hummed.

"let's do it, since this is last minute, your deskmate is your partner." takeda nodded and kageyama rolled his eyes and pulled his phone out.

"fucking bitch." kageyama muttered under his breath when hinata sent a stupid text to him, making tsukishima look at him, "not you, i'm talking to my friend" kageyama awkwardly said and went back to texting hinata.

"did i ask?" tsukishima grumbled and kageyama narrowed his eyes at his phone, "and why the fuck are you in the class, are you stalking me?"

"and why would i stalk you? you aren't my type." kageyama looked at tsukishima now, tsukishima looked at him with disgust.

"good the fuck? give a person your name and they start acting obsessed." tsukishima said the last part in a mumbled, kageyama mouth opened to say something because he wasn't obsessed - he was interested but he wasn't obsessed - but he was interrupted by a female.

"tsuki, did you get my letter?" the girl questioned, tsukishima looked at the girl and glared at her.

"who write love letters at this age? go away." tsukishima spoke coldly and the girl just smiled and batted her eyes, kageyama never seen that happen in real life.

"don't play so hard to get, you'll want m- i won't, get lost" the girl looked unsure for a minute but she forced her smile to stay, "how are you so sure?"

"because i'm gay, so get lost."

kageyama widened his eyes, kageyama didn't know if he was really gay, but this cleared everything up, "oh." the girl mumbled out, dumbfounded before she quietly walked off.

"so you are gay? interesting.." kageyama muttered and tsukishima eyes snapped to his, "what? let me be obsessed since that's what you think."

tsukishima rolled his eyes and started packing his stuff up, leaving kageyama confused, "why are you packing up?" tsukishima stopped and looked at tsukishima in disbelief.

"lesson is over, only the remaining people are working on the project." tsukishima explained before he stood up, making kageyama stand up also.

"aren't we supposed to do the project also?" kageyama questioned and tsukishima sighed.

"i'll do it myself, i know you don't like to do shit." tsukishima replied, he kept walking but kageyama quickly grabbed his bag and followed him.

"nope, i love doing work, i'll do it with you, we're a team right?" tsukishima stopped and turned around.

"i don't know if you know this but words get around, kageyama. everyone knows you don't do work but you are privileged so they won't kick you out because your parents are their best buyers." kageyama mouth opened slightly, not because he was offended but because of how close they were.

kageyama stared at tsukishima's lips and found himself in a daze, it was only when tsukishima was walking off when kageyama snapped back.

kageyama ran up to him and stopped infront of him, causing tsukishima to try and walked past him but kageyama blocked his way everytime.

"what do you want from me?" tsukishima snapped, kageyama knew he was getting mad because his jaw was clenching and the glare he was giving kageyama was good give away.

"i want.. i want to do the project with you, is that so wrong? shouldn't you be happy that i'm helping you." kageyama adverted his eyes to the people passing by and tsukishima scoffed.

"oh i see, you really are bold aren't you? trying to sleep with me and use the excuse of a project for it, classic move." kageyama widened his eyes, that wasn't what he meant or was that what he meant? he didn't know, "move out my way."

kageyama frowned and stood there for a minute before stepping to the side, he watched tsukishima walk away. that didn't go how he wanted, all this because he decided to do some work. maybe it was sign to keep doing what he do and not to change.

tsukishima, you are so.. interesting?


kageyama sighed out, he laid out on the couch and hinata looked at him concerned, "what's on your mind? you've sighing for the past 10 minutes."

"nothing it's just.." kageyama sat down and hinata raised an eyebrow, "if you find interest in a person and that person ends up being your partner for a project so you actually try to use the project as an excuse to find out more about them but they think you want sex from them, is that.. like is that same thing?" hinata listened to kageyama intently before he laughed.

"why not just go by what they use and flip the switch of your intentions." hinata slowly said and kageyama nodded his head before he was lost.

"what the fuck are you talking about? are you dumb?" kageyama said and hinata sighed out.

"they think you want sex but you just want to get to know them so just use sex as a way to get close to them not the project, it's a win win situation, you get to fuck the person you're interested in and find out more about the person." hinata explained and kageyama mouth formed a 'O'.

"you think that would work? they doesn't seem like the type of person to do that stuff." kageyama mumbled and hinata smirked.

"unless they're asexual, not attracted to your gender, et cetera, then they do that stuff." hinata said in a matter fact tone and kageyama blinked.

"well i know their sexuality so i'm good with that, how am i supposed to tell them i want to have sex with them?"

"easy just pull them aside and say, you were right so let's go to your house and fuck."

"okay okay.. i can do that, totally."

he definitely wasn't going to miss a step.

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