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I really hope you enjoy Chapter 1
Don't forget to stop by my Instagram page and say hi : I'm on Instagram as @kikeee_helen.  https://www.instagram.com/invites/contact/?igsh=yq7zb0jyjxo6&utm_content=vje4v32



       I stare out my window, inhaling the final breath of this place. The sun is setting, casting an amber glow over the familiar streets of the city. Dad had died last month, and with the pandemic having subsided, we were finally able to return to Lerse, our old hometown. Memories flood my mind, both happy and bittersweet, as I prepare to leave behind the life I had known for so long.

        " Lisa, get down here." That's my mum. She is literally everything to me. She was chatting to someone downstairs, and I could hear their conversation. The scent of fresh pancakes wafted up the stairs, mingling with the sound of laughter and sadness underlying it. I held onto the railings, each step creaking beneath my weight as I made my way down, eager to join them.

     As I entered the kitchen, I saw my mom standing by the table top, her smile not reaching her eyes,as she talked with her friend. Their voices hushed as I entered, and I caught the tail end of their conversation, something about a job offer and the promise of a better life. My mom's eyes shone with a mixture of hope and hesitation, and her usual air of warmth tinged with a hint of unease. I knew this meant change was on the horizon, and I wasn't sure if I was ready for it.

     "I'm going to miss you so much, Keisha," the woman said, her voice tinged with emotion. I could tell she meant it.

    With a heavy heart, I hopped downstairs, the weight of our circumstances pressing down on me. Dad was gone, and soon I’d be off to university, leaving behind the remnants of our shared life. We had to move, though the thought felt anything but joyful. Life had dealt us a hard hand, and now we had no choice but to face the future.

   Lerse is our hometown. We'd lived there before. We went when dad obtained a new job in the city; I was 9 at the time; my world still innocent and bright. I'm 19 now and I felt the weight of nostalgia pressing me down as we prepared to return.

   " Lisa, hurry up! We have  to start going !". My mom's voice cut through,a familiar blend of urgency and affection. I loved her for it - the was she cared, the way she pushed me to be on time, to seize the day.

         I glanced at the clock. What would it feel like yo walk down those streets again,to see old houses and maybe familiar faces?. I took a deep breath,ready to take each day as it came.

     The journey back to Lerse felt interminably dull and draining. As dusk settled, and we drove into the driveway, serene calm enveloped the town, except for the lively square where teenagers were partying.

    "You'll enjoy it here, Lisa," Mom said, her voice bright with optimism.

    I turned to her, a flicker of hope in my eyes, though uncertainty lingered in my heart. Would this place truly bring me joy, or was it just another stop in a monotonous routine?

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