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        “Stop staring and get your things inside!” Mom’s voice rang out. I stood on the porch of our new home, my gaze lingering on the house across ours. The air was thick with the scent of fresh paint and the promise of new beginnings, but I felt a pang of uncertainty.

      With a reluctant sigh, I turned back to the doorway, the threshold of our new life. I picked up the last of my boxes, a battered cardboard container filled with books and a few cherished trinkets, and shuffled inside. The living room was just there, and by just there, I mean okay. I could hear the faint creak of the floorboards beneath my feet, a reminder that this house had stories of its own, waiting to intertwine with ours.

        As I began to unpack, carefully placing my books on a shelf that was still dust-covered, I heard a sudden knock at the door. It was a sound that sliced through the quiet, unexpected, and sharp. I paused, glancing at Mom, who had just set down a box filled with kitchen supplies. Her brow furrowed slightly, a mix of curiosity and concern etched on her face.

        “Who could that be?” she mused, brushing a stray strand of hair behind her ear. I felt a flutter of nerves in my stomach. New houses came with new neighbors, and new neighbors meant new beginnings, but what if they didn’t like us?. Except in my own case. I had old friends.

       The knock came again, more insistent this time, and I took a deep breath, steeling myself. “I’ll get it,” I said, my voice steadier than I felt. I walked to the door, each step echoing in the stillness of the house.

     When I opened the door, I was greeted by a girl about my age, standing on the porch with a bright smile that seemed to chase away the lingering shadows of uncertainty. Her sun-kissed hair fell in gentle waves around her shoulders, and her eyes sparkled with a friendly curiosity. “Hi! I’m Sarah,” she said, her voice warm and inviting. “I live next door. I saw you moving in and thought I’d come over to say hello.”

    Relief washed over me like a gentle tide. “I’m Lisa,” I replied, stepping aside to let her in. “We just got here.”

    As Sarah stepped across the threshold, her gaze swept over the disarray of boxes and half-unpacked items. “Looks like you’ve got your work cut out for you,” she observed, a hint of mischief in her tone. “Need any help?”

     Mom, who had been listening from the kitchen, leaned against the doorframe with a grateful smile. “That would be wonderful, thank you! We could definitely use an extra pair of hands.”

    Sarah grinned, her enthusiasm infectious. “I love helping people move! It’s like a treasure hunt, finding out what everyone has packed away.”

     As we began to unpack together, laughter filled the air, weaving through the chaos of our new home. Sarah’s easygoing nature made the work feel lighter, and with each box we opened, stories unfolded—memories of old friends, adventures, and dreams yet to be realized.

      I felt a flicker of excitement growing within me, a sense that this new place might not be so lonely after all. With Sarah’s help, the living room transformed from a jumble of boxes into a space that felt welcoming and alive. As we arranged my books on the shelf and placed my favourite trinkets on the windowsill, I realized that perhaps this was the beginning of something beautiful—a new chapter filled with friendship and the promise of belonging.

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