The Basement

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Darkness. Not a ray of light creeps out of the door as it opens with an awful screech.

"Looks like no one is home."
Says Beau as he eagerly enters.

Far away, directly opposite us, a fireplace is barely lit, the fire slowly dying out, slightly enlightening the space around, but not enough for me to clearly make out anything.
All that I'm able to indicate is that this room is HUGE. I can feel the vast space around me, not comprehending how tall the ceiling is, or how far away the walls are.
I step inside after Beau and everyone follows. I turn back and notice Poésie's anxious expression filled with guilt. She seems even paler than usual. I couldn't help but feel bad. This girl really didn't want to be here.

Hunter calls out.
I flinch and slap his arm.

"Are you fucking stupid?!"
Blanche whisper-shouts, her eyes giving away her fear.

Hunter smirks back.
Hunter's biggest talent is being able to flirt despite any circumstance.
Blanche rolls her eyes.

I gasp as the lights flicker on. Blanche grips my arm. I turn around and see Beau next to the light switch.

"Chill he isn't home."
He laughs at my embarrassingly scared expression.

Blanche releases my arm. I just realized this is the closest of contact we've had in years.

"Yeah, but if he sees the lights through the window..."
My voice dies down to silence as I notice that no one is even listening. Everyone is examining the room in front of us. My predictions were right, it's absolutely massive, with very high ceilings. Two sets of stairs lead upstairs at opposite ends of the room to a weird balcony overlooking the entrance. The fireplace symmetrically splits the room in half. To its left is a locked door. The wallpaper is a weird striped green pattern. There is also a really old leather couch and a carpet. God this place is so weird...

"Guys look this guy has a fucking cage," Hunter calls out.
At first I thought he was lying but when I turn to face where he was, there really was a blue fence instead of a normal door leading to another room.

Beau takes interest in the locked door next to the fireplace.

"I can try picking this lock too."
Poésie suggests.

"Let's not."
No one listens.

I turn searching for someone to back me up and realize Hunter and Blanche are nowhere to be found.
No no no no no.
They cannot fuck in this house.

"Guys I can't find Hunter and Blanche."
I say.

"Oh it's fine I'm sure they're very occupied." Beau replies.

His intelligence really worries me sometimes. Poésie doesn't seem to be worried either. God I really need to find the-.
My thoughts stop as I realize Poésie picked the lock again.
Without any thought her and Beau are already inside. I have no choice but follow them. From behind the door a gross, moist smells comes out. It's even darker than the first room and there are stairs leading down.

"I can't find a light so it's pretty boring, let's go upstairs instead."
Beau suggests.
Finally a smart decision.
We turn to go back up.

"Did you close the door?"
I ask Poésie.

I try to push open the door but it doesn't budge.

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