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One after another, we take a look at this small electrical wire that went through the wall.

"What is this connected to?"
Blanche asks.

I inspect the little hole that lets the wire pass through.
This is too small to be connected to any lighting system.
It seems to be plugged to a socket, but it's unreachable. This weird hard plastic box is covering it, and is nailed. It won't budge.

"What if it was like a microphone or something?"
Suggests Beau.

That could be possible.
Ever since we got in, it's like he always had a move ahead of us.

"I think we should look around again, see if we find anything suspicious."
I exit the bathroom.

A few minutes later, the room is in a mess.
The mattress' are all over the place, random holes have been dug in the ground...
Nothing so far.

"Guys, come look at this."
Blanche is kneeling in front of the cabinet.

We gather around her as she unscrews the cabinet's handle.
The wire.
And at its end, I little black square that flickered.

"It's a camera."

"Yes, it is."
That voice again.

We all turn around in fear.
Mister Peterson steps in the room once again.
Blanche lets go of the handle and stands up.

"You, come with me."
He says, talking to Beau.

They both exit the room and head for the dark corridor.

"He's gone now, let's remove it."

Hunter glares at me.

"Are you stupid? He saw that we found it, if we destroy it I very much doubt he will be happy about it."
Blanche says.

"Ugh! Where did he take Beau anyway?! This was probably the last time we saw him, and we're next!"
It's true.

Where did he take him, is he going to kill him?
Due to his current actions, I doubt he is going to turn us in to the police.
I think it's obvious now that his intentions are not noble.
He drugged us, locked us up...

I don't know how long it's been since Beau got taken away...
We just sat here the whole time.
There is nothing for us to do.
What if we never get out..?

I hear the door open.
Beau is back!

"You, blond girl. Come with me."
I swear I saw Blanche wink at me before she left.

As soon as they're gone, we rush to ask Beau a ton of questions.

"What did he want?"

"He brought me to this place, like an interrogatory room. He made me sit and asked me plenty of questions about my personal life..."
That's weird.

"Nothing about why we broke in?"
He shakes his head.

"Okay um... Did you see anything? How about the basement, did you see an exit?"
Beau frowns, trying to remember.

"There was this... lever. In the middle of all the rooms and hallways. I think it's the power switch. But that's it."
That's pretty good I guess.

If we manage to turn off the power, all the potential cameras wouldn't work anymore, meaning mister Peterson will truly be our equal.
He will be in the dark as much as we are and won't get to see our every move.

I stay silent, considering the fact we're being watched.
But I'm pretty sure they all figured it out as well. I hope they did.

One after another, my friends get taken away in front of my eyes, then come back all with the same version of what happened to them.
He asked personal questions.
Soon Hunter will come back, and it will be my turn.
I had my suspicions about why Peterson had taken an interest in our lives, but I pushed these suspicions away. They scared me.

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