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Hook and bridget broke apart and looked at uliana. Bridget was getting up and getting ready to leave when james pulled her back.

"Uliana i can love who i want to she's the best thing that ever happened to me she should me what real love is like." James said.

Uliana was furious with what james said. She took a minute before speaking again.

"I want you two as far away from eachother as possible and also you need to break up because a villian dating a princess just does not mix." Uliana said.

Bridget looked at the ground whilst hook and uliana where arguing about the whole situation. Bridget couldn't take anymore arguing.

"Please uliana stop i can't stand this arguing. James is my forever bestfriend and he always will be no matter what you do or say and even if we do breakup i'll still have a special place for him in my heart that not even another human being could replace." Bridget said.

James smiled at her and hugged her and they knew what they had to do. Bridget and hook had broken up but promised to always look out for the other.

Uliana suprisingly wasn't annoyed at that but she was happy that they had broken up. She left to go find the others while james comforted bridget while she cried.

She knew it was for the best and that if anything would happen they'd always be there for eachother.

"I promise i'll find you again bri and date you without anyone getting in the way." James whispered.

"I'll find you in the space between where two worlds come to meet my love." Bridget whispered back.

They both got up and went their seperate ways.

Sorry this is so short i wanted to update it for you guys :)

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