Lights, Camera, Action

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A/N The picture above is meant to be Calum and Belle getting mobbed when it says that they are walking.

It is the next day and I am being woken up by my mum. "Belle get up you have a doctor's appointment at 12:30" "What are you talking about I haven't planned a doctor's appointment and its only 8:30am mum" "Well let's just say that you boyfriend the farther of your baby planed a doctor's appointment" said mum pulling me out of bed. "Oh well if Cal wants me to go then I will" I said smiling at mum and getting out of bed, "Well I can tell that someone is in love then" said mum walking out of my room. As I was walking to my closet I feel hands around my waist and I look at the arms and I can tell that it was Cal (because of the tattoos) "Hey babe I guess that your mum told you about the doctors and I will be coming with you and nobody else is that ok with you?" said Cal "Yeah that's fine" I say turning and hugging Cal. "Just let me get ready and then we can leave' I say slowly pushing Cal out the door and closing the door in front of him. I have a shower and get changed and walk down the stairs to see Cal waiting in the lounge. "Ready?" I asked Cal walking towards the door. "Yeah I was just waiting for you" said Cal walking to the car.

At The Doctors

We were getting out of the car and walking towards the door of the clinic and a bunch of fans and paparazzi are running towards Cal and I. "Just keep walking don't look at them" said Cal holding my hand a squeezing it tighter. We walked in a registered and a few minutes later I got called into the doctor's office I asked Cal if he wanted to come in and he just smiled and got up and we walked in together. We sat down and the doctor he introduced himself "Hi I'm doctor Karl what seems to be the problem?" "Well we think that she is pregnant and we would like to double check" said Cal "Ok sure just follow me and a blood test will be taken place" said Dr Karl. We both followed Dr Karl and he lead Cal and I to a room with only a seat in it, I have to say I hate having blood test but this one I have to have. After the blood test we waited for the results. Cal and I were just sitting in the waiting room trying not to get spotted by people an hour later my name got called and Cal and I got up and walked towards Dr Karl we followed him to his office and sat down he said "I am happy to tell you that you are pregnant, and that you are 1 month already." After the good news Cal and I walked out of the doctor's office and walked to the car trying not to get spotted. The car ride home was great Cal and I couldn't stop talking about the news. "wait what's going to happen when I have to go back on tour will you be able to come like you always have Belle?" asked Cal I didn't know how to answer his question so I just looked at him and smiled. We got home as I opened the door mum comes running towards me and Cal she pushes Cal out of the way and gives me a hug and asked what the results were. "We will tell you once we get in the house" I said hugging my mum and looking at Cal. We got into the lounge and I swear everyone Cal and I knew was there including Amie. "Well tell us!" yelled mum walking into the crowd of people looking at Cal and myself. I walked closer to Cal and wrapped my arm around his waist and he did the same as well "I am pregnant and I am already 1 month into the pregnancy" I said and party poppers went off and everyone came running towards Cal and I, and they hugged the guts out of us. "Belle do you know how many or if it's a boy or girl yet" asked Harry my lil bro "No not yet Harry soon we will though" Cal said giving Harry a hug. "what's going to happen to the tour?" asked Ash "The tour will still be on don't worry about that" I said looking at all the boys "Well will you be able to travel with us?" asked Michael "I will travel until I am unable then I will stay in Sydney until I have the baby. Cal walked over to some of his high school friends and I walk over to the girls and they all hug me. It was great to see Amie again, like yeah I guess she was made at me about everything that happened between her and Ash but I think she has realised that I didn't have anything to do with it. Hi I say looking in Amie's direction. "Hi" Amie said looking at me with a half smile. "How have you been" I ask Amie "Well when you BROTHER BROKE UP with me I came back to Australia and went back to school and lived life like it was before we all meet the boys, then I went to London with my mum and I went to this music shop and I was looking through music and this guy was there and he started talking to me and then we traded numbers and now he is in Australia and he has asked me out and yeah so I have a new boyfriend and I have moved on from Ashton and don't worry Belle I still blame you for everything" said Amie with a sassy voice. I look at her and stand back and everyone stopped talking and was looking at our direction. "I'll tell you now I didn't have anything to do with you and Ash braking up I thought he was happy with you but I guess I was wrong and for you to move on but still have it against me is so low and cold" I say walking over to Cal and standing really close to the boys and all the other girls walk to where I am. Amie walks out of the house and we all take places where everyone is on one side of the room and when Amie walked back in it looked like it was everyone vs Amie then a boy walked out from behind Amie and it was Zayn Malik he just smiles and stands with one hand on her shoulder. "Oh did I tell you Zayn is my boyfriend and Ashton I hope you are jealous because Zayn is everything you were and weren't" Amie said walking towards Ashton but before she could touch him us girls stood in front of him and her. Ashton pushed past us girls and we just stood there watching him and next to the boy we were with. "Amie I'm sorry to say but I'm not jealous about you and Zayn and to be honest I don't care that you have moved on" said Ash walking out of the house, when Ash left Amie had a blank expression on her face like she had just been defeated and she stormed out and pulling Zayn with her. All of us girls went and found Ash and bought him back home we all decided to watch a movie and while the movie was playing we all noticed that Niki was missing. "Hey let's all go to Starbucks" said Michael looking very hungry everyone agreed and we all got in the van and Ash drove.

Nikis P.O.V.

I left the group to go to Starbucks to see my secret boyfriend. I mean yeah Michaels cool and a great friend I just don't feel the connection anymore plus I meet up with Cameron Dallas a few weeks ago while we were in Paris. I kind of fell for him when I looked into his eyes. Cameron texted me while all of us girls were looking for Ashton and that's when I disappeared and meet him at Starbucks. I love Cameron I just don't know how I'm going to tell Michael that it's over and I have been cheating on him. Like I feel bad and all but Cameron is worth it I think.

Michael's P.O.V.

We are all walking into Starbucks and all the girls walk in first to see if there are any fans in there they all run in and they don't come out for a while. "Umm I don't think we should umm go in there" said Belle hugging Cal "What's wrong babe its ok you can tell me" said Cal. "Umm I don't think I should tell you" Belle said and all of us boys just decide to walk in and find a seat. As we are walking in I see Niki with a guy they were sitting kissing in one of the booths. i walk over to her and stand at the booth and say is this boot taken even though I knew it was. "Yeah can't you see I'm oh hi Michael" said Niki turning away from a guy don't oh hey Michael me I say looking at Niki feeling quit hurt but I stay strong and tell her to f**k off and I don't want to see her again and that I hope she feels happy that she cheated on me and that she will get pay back because karma is a b***h, and I walk out of Starbucks and sit in the car and wait for the rest to come back.

Back Home

Luke's P.O.V.

I follow Mickey into his room and I watch him lye on his bed and start to cry then I try to talk to him but he gets up and says his fine and throws anything that reminds him of Niki in the bin. I felt bad to see one of my best mates sad but I would be if Em did that to me which I hope she doesn't. Mickey asked me to leave so I did and when I walked down the stairs I see Cal on the couch crying with Belle comforting him. What the heck happened I asked Em "Well someone has got pictures if Belle and Cal walking in and out of the doctors from this morning and they are sending hate to Belle and Cal and they are all making suspicions on why they were there" said Em. I feel bad for them and I don't know what to do.

Belles P.O.V.

Cal went on his phone when Luke followed Michael, After a while of Cal going through his twitter I noticed tears filling his eyes so rested my head on his shoulder and then he asked "should we tell the fans about the baby?" I looked at Cal and half of me didn't want them to know quit yet in case anything happened and half of me wanted to tell but I don't know what to do so I asked Cal what does he think then he said "let's ask our parents so we ran up the hall and asked them they said tell now so we don't have anything to regret later on. We agreed and Cal said that we should make a Keek for it.

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