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I stared at my brother, and he knew who I was. He remembered me. So many questions were running through my mind, and I could feel the tears streaming down my face.

"Jane? Who is this?" Lucas asked.

"Who are... all of you?" Drew countered, immediately shoving his emotions down and hardening in defense. I had taught him this, and a part of me was proud of how strong he still was. He glanced around the crowded shack, his eyes catching everyone in turn. Lucas, Maddox, Josh, Angelica, Erin, Emmelia, Darla, Landon, Will, Ethan,

"Okay, I have a lot to explain here. This is Drew." I gave him a pointed look, needing to know what all I could tell him. Could I tell him the truth? How would he take it?

"Hi, Drew. I can't tell you my name, but you can call me V." Lucas sighed and gestured for Drew to come inside, and Drew looked to me for confirmation before stepping in.

"Is this where you've been for the last year? Why does no one else remember you, except Toby? Even Dad..." Drew began asking questions rapidly.

"Let's start from the beginning." Lucas sighed again, before beginning. "Do you know what a changeling is?" I mentally facepalmed.

"Oh, my God. Jane, is this a nerd thing? Did you run away or something? What the hell?" Drew blew up, his hands waving as he spoke.

"You can definitely tell they grew up together." Josh muttered, earning him a glare from me.

"Hey! I know you! You're that dude Toby was talking about! He told us you two were dating, is that what this is?" Drew grew even angrier.

"Drew, shut up and listen for a minute. I promise I'll explain, but you gotta stop yelling." I was already getting a headache, which is a bad sign. The last time I had a stress headache, I torched a dock full of people.

Vampyre people, but that is not the point. It's still kinda murder, I think.

Drew just nodded, knowing that I wouldn't talk unless he calmed down. As quickly as I could, I recapped the last year of my life. I told him about who my real parents were, then pointed out who all in the crowded shack was also my sibling. Next I told him about having to leave to go undercover, saving Parker, and getting thrown into the Death Games before being arrested.

I told him about the jail break, going to see Dad and realizing the Elder Council erased me from their memory, being kidnapped by Archer, and then getting him killed. I told him about being put back in the Death Games to atone for my crime, being replaced at the last minute with Archer just for him to get killed (again), and the visions I'd been having.

By the time I was done, Drew's face was twisted in horror. He took a few deep breaths, and I could practically see the wheels in his brain turning as he tried to process what I had told him.

"Okay, let me see if I understand." I nodded, and he began to point to everyone in the shack as he recapped who was there. "You're a witch, and you're married to you, a werewolf Alpha. You're in his pack, you're a vampyre and Archer was your brother, but he was also your husband, and you're her sister, and you're their brother, but you're also his wife?" He asked, pointing to Lucas, Maddox, Josh, Angelica, Emmelia, me, Landon, and Angelica in order.

We all nodded. Drew gave a nod of his head before turning back to me. "Who are we fighting?"

"We?" Darla interrupted. "There is no we, mortie. You are not fighting in this war." She crossed her arms and stared Drew down, but I had taught him well and he stood his ground.

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