3. If You Want Love.

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Jon's POV:

"So, have you found Mrs. Right yet? It feels like you're never going to settle down," Stephen remarked teasingly.

"I don't have the time, Stephen! Lord, you act just like my momma," I mumbled to my bassist. "Anyway, we've got work to do. Less talkin', more doin'."

He shrugged and then laughed in response. So maybe my reaction wasn't the most appropriate to what he had asked me, but he sure acts like my mother when it comes to my love life..

"Hey! Lighten up, will ya?" Brad chirped as my head swiveled almost instantly at my guitarist.

"How about we do our job before I call this off?" I fired back. "Well... I can't call this off, but let's get this cover over with."

Today, we're in the midst of trying to record my cover of Brantley Gilbert's song, 'Picture On The Dashboard'. It's one of my favorite songs of all time and man... It's one of those songs that hits you in your feels.

Anyway, it'd be nice if we could start the process of doing the cover instead of having Brad and Stephen question me about my personal love life. Honestly, that's a touchy subject to be discussing with me right now. My emotions are high as is with touring and studio time, so anything they say has me ten times more high-strung than normal.

JD had the video camera set up and then went to see what all the commotion was about between me, Stephen, and Brad. To my surprise, he actually took my side and told the other two to get a grip and to get this cover song started.

To their dismay, they ended up giving into JD's sternness and got into their respective positions and began the melody to the throwback song.

A few takes later, we finally got the video recorded and we had sent the video to my photographer, Stone, so that he can edit it to his liking and to make it look good to publish online! At the moment, we're planning to release the cover probably some point next month in January just because we just put out a music video not that long ago for my Alan Jackson Christmas song cover.

Soon, all four of us parted ways and headed out of the venue we had recorded the video at. As soon as I got into my truck, my head had dropped onto the steering wheel... Maybe Stephen is right- I'll never settle down.. I'm just going to be single forever while all of my buddies are off getting engaged, married, and having kids.

It makes me feel like I'm so damn behind in my life. Shouldn't I at least be married by now? I'm almost 32... There's guys younger than me who are married and then there's me... I've swore that I'm way too busy for love, but I'm starting to think that's not an excuse anymore.

Perhaps, I was just lying to myself for all of these years about being too 'busy'. Girlfriends came and went throughout my years within my music career. It's not a girl problem, it's a me problem and I don't even know where to start on opening up and letting someone in...

**he arrives at home!**

After I had gotten a quick lunch at Chick-fil-A, I had sluggishly walked into the house, soon being greeted by both of my dogs. Whitley and Zora had wagged their tails at the sight of me which did make me crack a slight smile.

Once the pups had settled down a bit and allowed me to step over of them, I slumped down on the couch and chucked my hat off of my head, placing it on the coffee table.

Today was somewhat successful, despite me feeling like shit about a few aspects of my life. Hell, Christmas is in a few weeks and my parents nor neither of my brothers have contacted me and asked what the plan is for the holidays.

It leaves me with a lot of unanswered questions; are we meeting up at Andrew and Loren's place in South Carolina? Are they coming to my place? Are we meeting up at Momma and Daddy's house? Some kind of communication about this would be nice so I know what I need to do to prepare both mentally and physically.

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