Chapter 7

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As I walked alongside Ivanna and Tarine the echoes of our footsteps harmonizing in the corridor, a sense of camaraderie beginning to form, the ordinary journey to my locker took an extraordinary turn

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As I walked alongside Ivanna and Tarine the echoes of our footsteps harmonizing in the corridor, a sense of camaraderie beginning to form, the ordinary journey to my locker took an extraordinary turn.

Amidst the rhythmic flow of students navigating the hallways, there he was - the dashing boy from the Sunday dining room gathering, Reese,his name was I presume, his aura commanding attention as he stood surrounded by his friends,the founders descendants, and girlfriend, Myla.

In that fleeting moment of unexpected connection, our eyes locked and  he bestowed upon me a playful wink. A rush of warmth surged through me, painting my cheeks in shades of scarlet, a visible display of the sudden rush of emotions that enveloped me. The vibrant tapestry of emotions - surprise, intrigue, and a touch of embarrassment - weaved itself into the fabric of that brief encounter, leaving me both flustered and captivated by the unspoken exchange.

As I continued my walk with my roommates, the hallway seemed to hum with a newfound energy, the memory of that shared glance lingering in the air like an unspoken secret. In that moment, amidst the whispers of the elite institution, I found myself caught in a delicate dance of emotions.

After taking the necessary things I need for class , we begin our journey to our first period. Tarine leaned in with a cautionary whisper, her words laced with concern. "Annika, stay clear of Reese," she warned, her tone a mix of protectiveness and sincerity.

"He's the type to play with your feelings, not worth the trouble." Her advice lingered in the air, a reminder of the complexities of relationships within the intricate web of social dynamics at the boarding school.

"Why?" I questioned, my curiosity piqued by Tarine's warning about Reese. As we continued our walk, the corridors bustling with students, I turned to her, seeking an explanation for her cautionary words. Tarine's response held the weight of experience and insight, shedding light on the intricacies of human interactions within the confines of our boarding school's social circles.

"He'll never leave Myla for anyone," Tarine responded, her tone carrying a note of finality, a glimpse into the complexities of Reese's entanglements within the realm of relationships at our school.

"Yeah, I've seen a lot of girls fall for him and it turns out messy. I care about you so believe us when we say it. He and all the boys in that squad are players" Ivanna adds.

"Tarine is a victim of that"she whispers so that Tarine wouldn't hear.

" Oh wow"I gape at her.


I and the girls part ways since we don't have the first class together.

I find my class with ease because of the good directions the school has.

I enter the classroom, the familiar sight of a full room greets me, every seat seemingly claimed except for one lone spot at the back. To my astonishment, as I made my way towards the vacant seat, my eyes met Reese's, a mischievous smirk playing on his lips, a silent challenge in his gaze. The unexpected proximity stirred a mix of emotions within me, the intricate dance of intrigue and caution unfolding in the confines of the classroom.

The moment I settle into the seat next to Reese, the tutor makes his entrance, his presence commanding the attention of the room. With a welcoming smile, he introduces himself, setting the stage for the class to commence. The air buzzes with anticipation, the promise of knowledge and discovery hanging palpably in the classroom as the lesson begin.

I can feel his stare, he hasn't stop staring since the beginning class and I am getting irritated.

"Do you mind"I say feeling irritated.

He chuckles and I finally look at him, Reese's physical features are striking. He has a strong jawline that gives him a rugged yet refined look. His eyes are a captivating shade of grey, and his smile is genuine and warm. Overall, he has a very attractive appearance.

"I know I am a gift from God but you don't have to make so obvious. Take a picture it lasts longer" he smirks and I quickly look away feeling embarrassed.

"I should be the one saying that. You stare is distracting" I reply.

" mouth and feisty. I like that. Reese Palmer"he says offering his hands.

I look back at him and his hands which is still hanging there.

"Annika Orlov"I reply

I extend my hand to shake Reese's, feeling a sudden spark shoot through me as our hands meet. A rush of butterflies flutters in my stomach, and for a moment, time seems to stand still as our eyes locked in an unspoken connection.

"Annika... Such a lovely name but Orlov? You Russian?" He asks and for the first time I pay attention to his English.

It is so different from mine. His English is so British and thick and I can barely understand.

Although I was born and raised in England my English isn't this thick. Mainly because of my parent's accent.

I nod as a reply to him.

"You don't look or speak like a Russian" he says looking at intensely

I roll my eyes, "what, you want me to have three beers in my hands and yelling" I reply looking at him.

"Sassy... I like that. But that isn't what I meant. I mean you look like an Indian and you have a perfect English accent"he says

"My mom is Indian, that is where this face came from and my dad is Russian, hence the surname but I was born and raised in London. Done interviewing me?" I ask

And he chuckles, loudly, getting the attention of everyone in the class.

My eyes widen as I look ahead to see the teacher glaring at me.

"Mr. Palmer, care to tell us what is funny?"Mr. Mann asks with folded arms.

"Nothing important to you. Why don't you keep on teaching and ignore us"Reese says ignoring the teacher and holding on tightly onto his pencil.

"This is my class and you are distracting it with the new student. Of course it is my business"Mr. Mann says.

"What don't you shut up and keep on teaching. You don't want to be on my last nerve Mann" he replies with a clenched jaw.

The teacher shut up and glares at him before proceeding to continue his teaching.

Everyone goes back to listening as if Reese didn't almost just blow up at the teacher.

Seconds later, he grabs his bag , knocking over his chair and stomping out of  the classroom.

What the heck just happened?

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