Chapter 16

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As I quietly push open the front door of the sorority house, a wave of excitement washes over me, mixed with a hint of nervousness

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As I quietly push open the front door of the sorority house, a wave of excitement washes over me, mixed with a hint of nervousness. The night at the cabin with Reese had been nothing short of eye-opening. I had gone in with a preconceived notion of who he was—just another guy wrapped up in campus rumors and drama. But as we talked, I discovered layers to him that I never expected. He was funny, genuine, and surprisingly thoughtful, sharing his views of life and dreams that made me see him in a new light.

The house is dimly lit, and I can hear the faint sounds of my roommates’ soft breathing from their rooms. I tiptoe through the living room, trying to keep my footsteps light. My heart races as I replay the moments from the cabin in my mind—the way he laughed, the way he listened, how he didn’t shy away from discussing things that mattered. I feel a warmth in my chest, a connection that goes beyond the surface.

Just as I think I’m in the clear, I freeze. There, sitting in the glow of the lamp, is Tarine. Her presence is both comforting and intimidating, and I can feel my stomach drop. What if she had been waiting for me? What if she knew about the night I had with Reese?

“Annika,” she says, her voice slicing through the quiet. I can’t help but feel like a deer caught in headlights. I take a deep breath, trying to steady my racing heart. “Hey, I didn’t think anyone would be up,” I manage to reply, keeping my tone casual, though I can feel the tension radiating from her.

Tarine leans forward, her arms crossed, and I know that look all too well. It’s the look that says she’s ready to dissect every detail of my night.

“So, how was it? The tutoring session, I mean.” she asks looking at me intensely

I hesitate for a moment, weighing my options. Should I spill everything? Should I tell her how different Reese is from what everyone says? Or should I play it safe and keep it vague? The truth is, I want to share what I’ve learned about him, how he’s not just the guy people gossip about. But I also don’t want to face the fallout if things go south.

“It was… nokay,” I say, choosing my words carefully. “We did a lot of studies and talked a little, and I got to know him better.” I can see Tarine’s eyebrows raise, and I know she’s intrigued. “He’s not what everyone thinks, Tarine. He’s actually really thoughtful, and we connected on a lot of things.”

Her expression softens slightly, but I can tell she’s still processing

“Really? You’re not just saying that because you had a good time? Ann,I really like you. You like my second best friend next to Ivanna,I don't want you to get caught up in his web" she sighs

“No,” I reply, feeling a surge of determination. “He opened up about his life, his family, and I realized there’s so much more to him than the rumors. I mean, he’s not perfect, but who is?”

Tarine nods slowly, and I can see her considering my words. The tension in the room begins to ease, and I feel a sense of relief wash over me. Maybe I can share this part of my life without fear of judgment.

"Wow..that is the first. Reese never opens up about his family to anyone. Not even Grayson,he has to pry before he even gets a detail about his vacation. The only person he trust is Myla. She is like his mom or wife. That is why I don't want you caught in a love triangle." She says.

"I am not going to fall in love with him Tarine. We are only friends, nothing will come between us" I tell her.

"Good,I hope it stays that way because if something should go on, you'll only get hurt. Myla will make it her mission to torment you,and she has the support of her entire family"she says and goes back to typing on her computer.

"I promise to keep my heart to myself. By the way,what are you doing?" I ask diverting the question.

She immediately blushes and looks down at her laps.

"Nothing,I was just having an online date with this anonymous guy" she shrugs.

"Why are you blushing?Is he cute?what is an online date?" I bombard her with questions.

"Slow down. I haven't seen his pics before. It is a dating site where we are anonymous until we met each other. I just spoke to him via face time but our Camaras were off"she explains and I nod.

"I hope he isn't a serial killer.But I am glad you are finally over Grayson" I smile and hug her.

"I am glad too. Allison can have him,I don't care" she says but there is a bit of sadness in voice.

As we sit together in the dim light, I realize that this moment could be a turning point. Not just in my friendship with Tarine, but in how I view myself and my choices. I’m ready to embrace the complexity of my feelings for Reese, and maybe, just maybe, I can help others see him for who he truly is.


The week went by so fast and today is finally the parent visit day.

Since my parents weren't able to come, I am spending it with Tarine and Ivanna's parents.

I just finished my video call with my mom and we are leaving to meet their  parents at the courtyard.

I am in a baby pink off the shoulder top with a white plaited skirt and a pair of vans shoes.

Ivanna is in a brown romper and wedge heels.

Tarine in a black tan top and brown skorts with sandals.

"Before we lemme me warn you,my mom is clingy as fuck and my dad thinks he is funny" Tarine says closing the door behind me.

"He is funny"Ivanna giggles and Tarine rolls her eyes.

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