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It had been several months since Abraxas' passing. I still hadn't got over it and was constantly in tears. In fact, I got so weak that I had to constantly transform to keep myself going, which was a lot of stress for me to not be caught.

My entire body became weak due to the transformations and I was trying to keep myself in one piece, desperately. Lucius had got over his father's death faster than I did. His relationship with Narcissa was one of the main reasons.

I silently transformed and slipped out of my room, which now felt very dark and gloomy. I was often the only one at home while Lucius was out with Narcissa, and my grandparents lived elsewhere.

I wondered where Crouch was. I hadn't seen him in ages. Had he got a job at the Ministry already? I disapparated to a location near his house. His father, Barty Crouch Senior, was an unpleasant and highly selfish fellow who only cared about himself and the Ministry. I could understand why little Junior was so upset and depressed. His father clearly showed no love for him whatsoever.

The Crouch's home was another mansion, just like ours. Most of the pure-bloods had large mansions like our Malfoy Manor, and often used the name of the family. It was slightly smaller than Malfoy Manor but was definitely huge in size compared to normal households.

I wondered why wizards even bothered marrying Muggles or Muggle-borns - it just made them a whole lot poorer, and they would often be disowned from their family home. It just didn't make much sense to me. Maybe they were simply blinded by love.

I transformed back before knocking on the door quietly. I hoped that Crouch Senior was not there - he was most likely at the Ministry. To my surprise, an older man opened the door - even older than Crouch Senior. Despite being old, he seemed to be in good health.

"Hello," I said, quietly. "Pandora Malfoy. Who are you?"

"Hi," he answered, slowly. "I'm Caspar Crouch. Barty Junior's grandfather." He spoke in the typical slow tone that the older generation normally used. He had dark hair with streaks of light, and a crinkled smile.

I smiled back. "Is he here?"

"Yes," he replied. "Been rather depressed, lately, still. I've tried to cheer him up, but it never seems to be enough. There was once, he left me a suicide note."

"Oh dear," I said, genuinely concerned.

He led me into the Crouch Mansion (I assumed it was called that because I didn't know what it was called), and let me to a large, grand bedroom where Barty Crouch Junior was looking at his own hand, wiping tears from his eyes. He hadn't improved since he was at Hogwarts.

"Dora?" he asked, almost surprised to see me. "Crouch!" I exclaimed, as I sat down next to him. "Are you alright?"

"N-no," he stammered. "I don't even know what I want to do now, Dora. For one thing, I've attacked a teacher, and I haven't been able to get a job. I did s-so p-poorly i-in the interviews b-because I-I couldn't fight b-back t-tears..."

I didn't know what to say. I sat on his lap as I comforted him. "I guess you could try again. You've got 12 O.W.Ls, I'm sure anywhere would want to accept you."

"Well, certainly not after this," he replied, grimly, unrolling his sleeve and revealing the worst mark you could possibly have on your arm. I almost fainted of shock. He had the Dark Mark.

My eyes bulged for a second. "What? Why? How?" I asked, unable to form a proper question.

"Well, it went like this, you see," he said. "Dora, I tried to impress them! I murdered Em, Dora, I killed her!" Tears were now clouding his entire face, soaking the duvet. I allowed them to drip onto my hands, not bothered at all.

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