Chapter 3

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A/N: I might try posting longer chapters since I'm slowly getting use to this :> P.S I'm writing this on my laptop so it might look different if you're a phone reader.
(M/N) POV:
After changing into some sweats and a hoodie (or whatever you think is comfortable), I went to straight to Puffer's office so we could start the stream. I ran into to Grizzy on the way there with some snacks for stream. "Grizzy, when is our food getting here again?" I asked him. "In 30 minutes, why?" "Just wondering. Also I was wondering when we get to meet the others." "You might have to ask Puffer about that." Grizzy said. "Alright then." I said while opening the door to Puffer's office. "Heeyyyyyy Pufffffeeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrr?" "What (M/N)?" He asked. "I was wondering when I would get to meet your friends?" "You'll most likely meet them tonight because I told them that you were moving in. So they might want to meet you on stream." Puffer said. "Damn, you already told them I was moving in?" " Yeah, plus I told them that we're best friends from high school and they want to meet the oh so famous high school best friend." He said. " Oh yay." I said while both Grizzy and I sat down.

After 20 minutes of waiting for our food and starting the stream, Puffer got a discord call from someone named 'Elasticdroid'. He answered the call from them. "PUFFER MY MAN!!" He yelled with excitement? "Droid, tf what do you want?" He asked jokingly. "Aye man I just want to meet the person that you and Grizzy moved in with." Droid said. "Yeah yeah hold on let me turn on my camera, also do you know if Pezzy is joining?" Puff said while turning his camera on for discord. "I think he is I don't know but you could ask him." Droid said. "ANYWAYS!" He said while waiting for Puffer to turn on his camera. They chatted for a second while the camera finally turned on and 'Droid' saw what I looked like. "Oh, Holá Chico." Droid said. "Hi? I'm pretty sure you know my name Puffer right?" I asked while looking at his appearance. He had curly black hair, dark brown hair almost black, and he was wearing a blue hoodie. "Yeah he did and he wouldn't stop talking about how cool you were so I had to check for myself." Droid said. "Oh really now? I didn't know I was liked that much by him." I said teasing Puffer. Puffer, Grizzy, Droid, and I started making jokes and talking about some things that they might record/stream.

About 15 minutes later, we heard another person joined the call and his name was 'Pezzy'. "Hey guys what's happening here?" He asked while he turned his camera on. Once I saw what he looked like and boy was he pretty. The way his eyes kind of had that sparkle while his hair was styled a way that fit his face and his voice was pretty calm with a hint of excitment. "(M/N)! You good?" Grizzy asked snaping out of my trance. "Hm? Yeah I'm good." I said. "Oh yay I get to finally talk to the famous (M/N)!" Pezzy said. "Yes you get meet the famous me." I said teasing him a little bit. We streamed and talked for another 2 hours while answering questions that chat was asking. "Yo, I think we should end the stream now since its been 3 hours and I'm pretty sure these guys are tired." I said. "Yeah you're right, anyways fuck you chat and I might stream in 2 or 3 days." Puffer said. " Yeah chat fuck you guys." Grizzy and Droid said. "Dude, are you guys always mean to your chats?" I asked. "Maybe." They all said. Puffer ended the stream and ended the discord call. "So, what did you think of the guys (M/N)?" Griz asked. "They were pretty cool and hopefully I can talk to them again." I said. "Other then that, I'm going to bed. Night losers." I told them. "Night (M/N)!" They said heading to their bedrooms.

I laid down on the couch and started scrolling on instagram. I started feeling tired but before I put my phone down, I made sure to follow Pezzy and Droid. I powered off my phone and fell asleep.

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