Chapter 8

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(M/n) Pov:

I was yelling at Puffer and Grizzy because they wanted pizza while I wanted (fav/food) but they didn't want to pay extra for the food. I didn't notice that everyone undeafend and was laughing about the situation. "(M/N) JUST LET US GET PIZZA AND WE CAN GET (fav/food) TOMORROW!" Grizzy yelled and all three of us came to that agreement. "Are you guys done yelling about god knows what?" I heard Wildcat say. "Yes.. Actually no I still want to talk about this but knowing Griz and Puffer don't want to." I said kinda jokingly. "Shush weirdo, I don't want to hear any word from your mouth." Puffer said.

I looked at my Webcam and gave them an 'are you serious' face. I muted myself in Discord and started talking to chat. "Chat, can you believe this? This mf told me to shut up. Who does he think he is? Anyways chat should we just play our own game and ditch these guys?" I said joking just a bit. "Pezzzy thank you for Tier 3 sub!" I looked over and I had to do a double take because it was Pezzy, the same dude in my discord. I saw chat spamming Pezzy's name and saying Hi to him. "THANK YOU AGAIN PEZZY FOR THE TIER 3 SUB! Also I'm surprised you actually found my account." I said and continued talking to chat while putting in the lobby code.

After a while with everyone talking and everyone was getting into the lobby, we finally started. I was the imposter along with Puffer so I knew that both of us are cooked or we both have the same idea and we can get everyone to believe us to not be the imposters.

"Alright chat, what should we do and who should we get rid of first?" I asked my chat while faking my keys and going straight to the lab. My chat was spamming Wildcat and Grizzy's name. "Alright mods can you start a poll to see who gets the most votes please and thank." I said walking around trying to find someone so that I would have an alibli incase someone gets offed. I finally found Smii7y working on wires so I decided to spin around him to try to show that I was a 'good' guy. "Chat, we're not killing Smii7y since I need him as my alibi and I'm trying to make it seem that I was with him most of the game." I said while pointing to my head trying to make a 'brain' power move while looking at who won the poll which was Wildcat. "Alright chat, Wildcat it is that might get voted off or I kill him."

Smii7y finally noticed I was there and started spinning around in circles with me. About 10 seconds we started being weirdos, the report button was it, showing that Pezzy died. "Alright I saw Puffer do it." I heard Droid start the conversation off. "Dude, I didn't do it. I was doing wires by electrical. If you're so confident, where were you?" "The better question is, where was (M/n), Smii7y, and Wildcat?" "Smii7y and I were together about 10-20 seconds before someone hit the report and he was doing wires." "I can confirm that we were together and before that I ran into Wildcat who was by the med scan." "Yeah I was by the med bay scan thingy, which I saw Puffer after I was done." "Yeah, I remember that I passed Grizzy and Wildcat before doing my wires. I don't think any of us saw you this whole round Droid." Puffer said and all of us agreeing that we didn't see him. "So Droid, you're the only one that doesn't have an alibi. What do you have to saw for yourself." Griz said while most of us started voting for Droid or the skip. "All I have to say it that if you believe Puffer, then fuck you guys." Droid's last words when the time ran out to show that me, Puffer, Grizzy, and Smii7y all voted for Droid while Wildcat and Droid voted to skip.

After awhile Me and Puffer won the game. "I TOLD YOU GUYS IT WAS PUFFER!" Droid yelled to at us. We started laughing and started a new game. In total we had about 6 or 7 games and everyone decided to get off. We all said our gooydbyes, and left the VC. I, on the other hand, wanted to see if Isaac or Softwilly was up. "Chat, I'm trying to text both Isaacwhy and Softwilly if they want to talk to you guys for a bit while I fuck up some food I got." I said while texting them on discord because of their messed up sleep schedules, they should be up. I finally got a text back from the one and only..


A/N: I'm sorry guys that I left you on a cliff hanger BUT I promise I'll tell you guys in the next chapter. Anyways, make sure you guys drink water and eat something even if its a snack. LOVE YOU GUYS!! <3

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