Chapter one: the reunion

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Click, click, click...

My fingers dance along the keyboard as I write my newest story. I bite my lip. No that's bad, I think to myself.

Delete, delete, delete.

I drag my fingers through my hair and groan. My mind was empty. No ideas, absolutely none. I hoped a muse would come down and give me a magic lightbulb moment but I doubted that would happen... ooo! What if she's secretly a spy? No I've already done that... I sighed, Leaning back in my chair. I needed a good plot twist but I couldn't for the life of me think of anything good...

I sigh and turn on the news, turning away from my computer.

"Breaking news. Billionaire, Reginald Hargreeves, has been reported dead."

My eyes widened. I couldn't believe it. I didn't know what to feel.. on one hand, the old man was finally dead, it was a miracle. But on the other...he was our father...

Then I realized, that meant I had to go back and face my siblings, My sister...

When I was little, me and Vanya were extremely close. But I was never the same after ben died and five...went missing, god I still couldn't force myself to say it...

For a while me and Vanya kept up hope. I chuckle at the memory, We would leave the lights on in his room, and his favorite snack. But one day... she stoped. My smiles fades at that thought.

I shake the thought away. It would be fine. I'd go there, catch up with everyone a bit, go to dad's funeral, then leave. The funeral would be hard, confusing, and I'm sure there would be arguing- we are the Hargreeves after all. But that wasn't what scared me the most, it was the catching up part that I wasn't looking forward to. After five and Ben, I lost hope. I became distant. The whole house was filled with memories, I couldn't stand it. So as soon as I turned 18, I left. Simple as that. I don't regret it, but I know most of the siblings won't be happy.

Especially with the book I wrote. I wrote it about me and Vanyas life, I knew it was risky, giving up the family secrets. But I didn't regret it. That stuff needed to be said. When I was younger, I longed to be part of the academy, to be special. But after everything... I realized I didn't. I started seeing the worst in everything, everyone. I refused to trust anyone after that. No one understood. No one understood me or what I was going through. No one ever got it. No one got me... except for one person. And he abandoned me. I wasn't enough for him and then he left me alone...

Again i forced that out of my head. I didn't need to think about that. I couldn't, or else I'd break. At least klaus would be there, we still talk for time to time, when he's not in rehab at least. He's hilarious, i enjoy hanging out with him. And Vanya...we still text from time to time, she asks about my writing and I ask about her violin career, but it's not the same...
I begin to get ready, I would have to be at the house soon. I put on clothes (A/N: pick them out yourself. There's no way to please Wattpad readers with these things, yall are brutal.), do some light makeup. Then brush my hair, leaving it down like always. Then I head to the Academy. The place I grew up, the place that tried to break me. The place he left, the place I left, the place Ben died...

I hate that place.

I opened the double doors to the house and I felt...nothing. Numb. Maybe it was a coping mechanism? Either way I was thankful for it because if not...I'm not sure I could take it...
I took a step. Then another. And then I was walking. I looked around the corner and I saw...


She didn't look at me. My eyes shifted, following her gaze. She was staring at a picture of Five... I felt something in my gut. I pushed it away. I heard something, someone, it felt so far away. Nothing felt real...

The pain of the past (Five Hargreeves X Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now