Chapter 4: reconnecting with family

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At home I sit at my desk, the clicking of the keyboard on the computer filling the room. Ever since the funeral writing has been coming so naturally again. I have so many feelings and emotions that words just pour out of me and onto the page.

The whole thing feels hazy, like a dream. Fives back, and I was getting closer to Vanya again...kind of. And apparently the apocalypse is coming... it felt like there was something i was supposed to be doing, people I should be seeing.

I was now realizing just how much I have isolated myself. The end of the world was coming and I'm sitting at my computer. I should be doing something. Whether it was seeing loved ones or helping to stop it or something else. There were millions of people in the world, oblivious to the impending doom. And I'm lucky enough to know about it, yet I'm still just sitting at my computer...

I sigh and take my hands off the keyboard, the consistency of the clocking beginning to drive me insane.

I pull out my phone to text Vanya, then remember she's at violin practice for another few hours. Five and I... well hanging out with him was not an option.

Then I remember Klaus, he wasn't doing anything. I pull out my phone and click on his contact.

"Hey you doing anything?" I text him.

A few minutes later he texts back.
"Remember the box that we stole from dad's office?"

"Uh, yeah?"

"Apparently it contained some 'priceless heirloom' and I lost it."

"Let me guess, now pogo won't leave you alone?"


I sigh, contemplating my options. Do I really want to dig through trash to find something I don't even care about? I look back at the computer and immediately text back,

"Want some company?"

Of course he's ecstatic about it.


"Hi sissy!" He runs over to hug me.

"Wait your gonna make me smell like dumpster-"

He ignores my protests and hugs me anyway.

"You're the best step-sister! Thank you for coming to help me"

I roll my eyes and smile. "Yeah, yeah, no problem"

A few hours later, klaus was still in the dumpster and I was sitting against the wall, contemplating life. Hey technically I only promised him company, not help.

"Damn it! Where's dad's stuff?" Klaus shouts aggravated from inside the dumpster.

"If you drop soap on the floor, is the floor clean, or the soap dirty?" I ask staring into space, ignoring what he said completely.

"I need to find whatever priceless crap was in dad's priceless box so that pogo will get off my ass!" Klaus yells, ignore me.

The next second five comes down the fire latter.

"I'd ask what you're up to klaus, but then it occurred to me. I don't care." He says, not noticing me behind the dumpster yet.

"Hey brother!" Klaus says, finally popping up from inside the dumpster.
"You know there are easier ways out of the house, don't you five?" I speak up from the ground.

He hesitates slightly at the sound of my voice. "This one involved the least amount of talking...or so I thought..."

"Hey.. you need anymore company today? I could uh... clear my schedule." Klaus says.

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