1 - Just some fun

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Maxine POV

Wonderland is probably one of the worst places to live. There is nothing fun here. The partys here are literally called un-partys, and you literally sit around and do nothing! You aren't even allowed to talk. The only good thing here is my friend Red Hearts, Princess of Hearts. We cause trouble anywhere we go. Well, at least at night, which is what we are going to go to now.

"Max, come on, we have to go soon!" Red whispered, yelled so she wouldn't wake up my brother, Maddox Hatter.

"Hung on, let me find my jacket and mask," I said.

Red and I have match jackets and masks we use to have a little fun at night. They look mostly the same, but mine is a light purple with a top hat on the back. Red's is.. well red with and heart with a lighting bolt going through it. Our masks are the same shape and design, but with the color matching our jackets.

I find my thing slowly sneak out of my room. "Hurry, curfew was an hour ago. Guards are going to be everywhere soon," Red said to me.

We quickly go out my front down and run to a close ally way hidden from anyone.

"Alright, so my plan is a little bit more... mess today," Red snickered a little before continuing. "I have to paint balloons. Ones purple, ones red. We are going to throw these at my moms portrait."

"I have a feeling that not all you got planned," I said as she handed me the purple balloon.

"You know me so well," she smiled. "I also brought two pairs of scissors and a bat." She was hold both scissors in one hand and the bat in the other.

"I see, so cutting up the roses on the big rose heart and breaking the vases around the royal plaza," I said, a smirk growing on my face. We have been doing this for so long that we could almost read each others minds. Sure, we never done something like this, but I still knew what we were going to do.

"Exactly, now do you want to do the roses or the vases. I'm fine with doing either cause both would piss off my mom," Red spoke with confidence every time we go out to do stuff like this. We are really determined to piss off the queen so much. Seeing the anger on her face is amazing every time.

"Vases sound so fun right now, actually," I said as I took the bat out of her hands.

"Perfect, now go quickly before the guards show up," Red said quickly before running to the royal plaza. I followed behind her after making sure my mask hid my face well.

I smashed all the vases around the plaza as I heard the snipping of Red's scissors. After I smashed the last vase, Red came up beside me, holding up her red balloon, so I grabbed me purple one, and we threw it at The Queen of Hearts portrait

"Fuck," Red whispered as the alarms came on. "Hurry, this way."

Red grabbed my hand before we run behind one the the pillars the vases were on.

The guards came out looking for us as Red looked around for a escape. She found the door that lead up to the top of the castle walls. We snuck over and quietly walked over to where Maddox and I basically live.

When we were about half way there I look down to the guards looking for us. When I looked apparently someone saw me and shined a quick light now me.

"Shit, run!" I yelled at Red as we started running over to my living quarters. We made is to the end of the castle wall and jumped down a knife cutting through the queens portrait to slow our fall. We run down the alleyway to my room and got corner. Luckily to big claws came down pulling us over to my room.

"Maddox!" Red and I yelled in unison as we fell on the couch when we were dropping.

"Those guards would have dragged you guys off the dungeon," Maddox yelled as we took a quick breath. "What were you guys thinking!"

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