2- Freedom?

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Maxine's POV

My brother woke me up early to watch the court hearing about Red's and I destruction yesterday. Since the guards didn't catch us, the main guard is getting punished. And the Queen of Hearts is having Red choice his punishment.

"Since you'll be queen one day, I'll let you decide," the queen said to Red. You could tell Red really didn't want to, though.

"It's up to me?" Red said, being really confused. The queen never let her do anything.

The queen nodded to her as before Red spoke again. "Well, in that cause.. Off with his." Sounding more mean at the end.

The queen looked almost excited about this. "Hat," Red said, taking his hat and putting it on as she turned around bowing.

The queen scoffed, "You're such a disappointment." I stopped listening after she said that. I might have actually killed her if I listened anymore.

"I swear to Gods I will fucking kill that woman, Mads," I said turning around almost pulling my hair out.

"Trust me, I feel the same," Maddox said, still looking out the window.

As he continued looking out a paper flew in front of it. Maddox opened the window and read who it was from, "To: The Queen of Hearts, From: Uma, principal of Auradon."

"Wait, the daughter of Ursula is the principal of Auradon? But she's a villain!" I said, really confused.

"That doesn't matter. Something tells me that this might be you and Reds ticket to freedom. Come on," Maddox said, before quickly running out the room to the royal plaza with the count hearing is. I followed close behind.

"I began your pardon!" Maddox yelled in the middle of the court hearing. "Apologize for interrupting court, your majesty." He knelt down holding the letter up. I bowed a little as I entered in.

"Royal delivery," Maddox continued as he got up and we both walked over to Red, standing on each side of her. As the card.. read itself?

"Dear Queen of Hearts, Empress of Wonderland," The letter read itself in Uma's voice. "As the new principal of Auradon Prep, it is my honor to invite your daughter, Red, the Princess of Hearts and Maxine, The Daughter of the Mad Hatter, to attend our school. I hope you'll join us for the Welcome Day ceremony. If you accept, this invitations shall serve as your key."

"From pirate to principal," the queen spoke. My thoughts to lady. "Another villain's gone soft." Okay, maybe not that part.

"Maybe you guys will have a future, after all," Maddox whispered to us. "If you go to Auradon Prep, you get to leave Wonderland."

Red chuckled before speaking, "It doesn't matter. The only thing she hates more than Auradon is the idea of me having my own life."

"Yeah, you I doubt she will let the Daughter of The Mad Hatter. You know the guys she behead a month or two ago to leave Wonderland," I said, why did she even include me in there?

"So, I'm pretty sure that's gonna be a no," Red said a little bit after I stopped talking.

"We accept!" The queen exclaimed. I'm jaw felt like it dropped to the floor.

"Wait, hold on," Red said as I tried to collect my thoughts. She really said yes?

"Really?" I question, looking at the queen with a puzzled look on her face.

The queen looked between both Red and I before nodding as the paper was marked yes. Something fishy is going on here.

"But you've always said that Auradon is the worst," Red spoke with a confused tone.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11 ⏰

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