Chapter 4: Everything will be fine, bro

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A new day at school. Milena and Danny have been getting along well for a week now. And tomorrow there's a disco party! It's definitely going to be fun. Danny had just invited his new girlfriend to hang out. She definitely couldn't refuse. Dancing with the guy of her dreams, and then maybe declaring her love to him. How romantic! And Marina... She should also spend time with Marina, not leave her cousin alone. What to say about Marina herself... Seeing these two, she just turned inside out. What did she see in this boy? Blue Eyes has heard that he is strange and his parents are ghost hunters. Pf. There are no ghosts, it's so stupid. Especially when she heard Milena's story that she was saved by the ghost from the poster, she definitely couldn't believe it and even laughed a little.
At lunch, the cousins were sitting at their inconspicuous table as usual. Their peace was disturbed by Danny, who invited her to his table to sit with his friends. It's amazing! Milena took her tray of food and went to sit at the table opposite, next to her "boyfriend". Marina just looked after her with a polite and touchy look. The bespectacled man... she looked at her cousin, seeing that she was upset, Milena put her tray on the table that she was going to sit down and ran up to her blue eyes.

- Marina.. I promise, I'll sit there once. I will definitely come back to you next time. Please don't be offended.

Marina, on the other hand, only looked sadly at her cousin and replied:

- It's okay. I'm not offended at all... Go have fun with your new friends.

Milena felt very sorry for her blue-eyed girl, but still her "friend" is waiting for her. She sat down at a table with them. Milena, Danny and Tucker started a pleasant conversation. Sometimes they could even be heard laughing. Marina, sitting behind them, was happy for her bespectacled girl, but also disappointed that she had abandoned her, even if only for a short time. However, Sam doesn't like this kind of company either. It's just terrible that someone else got into their gang, while also having fun. Milena jumped in fright on the spot when the goth couldn't stand it and hit the table with all her might with her fist.

- That's enough. This is too much! - The night child began to protest. - As long as you can put up with it. You're already starting to annoy, Milana..

- ..Milena... - the bespectacled man began to correct.

- SHUT UP! I'M SICK OF EVEN LISTENING TO YOU! - Sam could almost hear the whole dining room.
- Sam, what's gotten into you?".. - I started to worry about her friend Tucker.

- It doesn't matter. - The goth girl answered almost immediately. - And you listen here. If you don't want me to touch you, then you better stop talking to Danny, or at least do it not in front of me, okay? But it's even better if you don't come near us at all. I told you last time: "You don't belong here!"

Milena began to shake with fear, barely holding back tears. Marina, seeing the whole picture, sat with her mouth open, holding herself in place. Just not to fall off and get up. Her heart ached for her cousin. She could easily get up and pour the juice she bought on goth girl. At the same time, Danny was trying to somehow solve the situation:

- Sam, that's enough! You're scaring her!  Danny held Milena by the shoulders, trying to comfort his newfound "girlfriend".

- No... It's okay... I... I can leave if I'm in the way.  Milena got up from her seat.

- No, stay! - Danny and Tucker said in unison.

- Great. Then get lost! - Goth girl was already glad, but there was still a grimace of annoyance on her face.

Milena stood up completely, moved a couple of inches away and looked at Sam. She didn't want to quarrel with her so much... They could have become best friends. But apparently, it's not fate.

- But when I first met you, I liked you even more than Danny. - as soon as Milena finished her sentence, she immediately disappeared from the dining room.

Marina, still in shock, gave the goth girl an evil look and followed her cousin. She went out into the corridors and rushed towards the bathroom. Blue Eyes heard barely noticeable sobs in the women's bathroom. It seemed to her that it was definitely Milena, who, with her crying, dispersed all the girls who had been wearing makeup there all this time. Marina burst into the women's bathroom, then saw her cousin sitting in the corner. She immediately rushed over and sat down next to her.

- Honey, is everything okay?.. - blue eyes tried to help in some way.

- No... - the bespectacled girl sniffed. - I wanted to be friends so much that I became too annoying for them.

Marina already wanted to roll her eyes that Milena was winding herself up again in a situation where she was not to blame. But to see my cousin crying because of this was the most heartbreaking sight. The blue-eyed girl hugged her, began stroking her back, soothing her beloved cousin. As long as she can remember the two of them, Milena has been a crybaby like Marina herself. But many years have passed, and Milena has remained a crybaby. She still feels sorry for the crushed ant, the child who tore the ball. Even if you tell her a similar situation, she will whimper. But this situation was a nightmare... What could have attacked this goth girl that she treated her bespectacled man so rudely? Are all the girls in this damn school so mean?

- Milena... well, it's not your fault that someone doesn't like you. And anyway, that girl shouldn't have yelled at you. You wanted the best...

- It turned out as always...  Milena began to whine again. - I should have been nice. I really do too much to keep a good attitude... I wish I had good friends at my old school... Maybe I wouldn't be eager to move here...

Milena has always loved new places and acquaintances. But now it seems that this desire has played a cruel joke on her. It shouldn't be like this...

- What got into you? What did she do to you? - Danny is a little upset by the fact that his childhood friend was rude to his new "friend".

- She met you. - Goth muttered. - What did you find in this doll anyway? She's just like the other girls at this school: she'll laugh and leave you like an old thing!

- What makes you think she's like that at all?! You don't know anything about her. You didn't even listen when she was talking about herself: you just sat there and sulked.

- Even so. You'll see that I was right.

- Oh yeah? Danny got up and left the dining room in search of Milena.

Sam stared after him irritably. Tucker also decided to get up and follow his friend.
At this time, Marina, still reassuring her cousin, came out of the toilet. Danny already wanted to go up to Milena and also help in some way. But as soon as Marina cast an angry glance at her blue eyes, which were always scarier than any nightmare, Danny decided not to come close. He could only look at the result: he had lost a friend he had recently found. The cousins went down the hall to the classroom. Tucker, noticing the frozen and saddened friend on the spot, slowly walked up to him and gave Danny a friendly pat on the shoulder.

- It's going to be okay, bro.

- ...I wish... - Danny whispered.

End of the fourth chapter

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