Pheromone Discussion

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Riley sat at his desk, writing in his digital journal. "Well...It's been three weeks since the entrance Exams, which means in a few days time is orientation. From the sounds of it I'm going to be apart of the 1B class...which probably is a good thing. After Tsu walked me home I haven't heard from her since...she didn't seem the type so it makes me wonder if I have my father's quirk after all. I'll need to get a hold of him tonight to double check if he even knows how it works." Riley looked to his phone, seeing Tsu's number and the lone text of 'Hi' from her and then no others. He sighed as he spun his chair away from his laptop and hit dial on his father's number.

*Ring ring* *Ring ring*

"Hello kiddo. We heard about your entrance Exams from your host mom! Version 2??? That's amazing!!"

" Ah shucks. Well thanks pops, but I haven't been able to reach x2 since, think it was the situation so I still have a bunch of training to go. Take it moms out working again? "

" Sure is!!! She actually was able to establish her own Hero Organization too! She has about 5 Heros and they have roughly 14 sidekicks working under them. It's kept her quite busy, were you hoping to reach her bud? "

" N-No I um meant to call you and talk about something. Well...I guess being straightforward would be best. Dad...How does your Quirk work?"

His father had a spit take of the coffee he had just taken a sip of. " Ugh!!! Wow okay. So you did get both our Quirks huh? "

" I...I think so. There was this girl, and well I know I saved her during the exams but she seemed...very infatuated by me when we were around and then after we spent a few days apart she hasn't spoken to me since."

"...Son. You didn't do anything inappropriate with this girl did you?" His voice has turned into a serious tone, one that sent a shiver up Riley's spine.

" N-No sir! The...the most that happened was a kiss. I...I guess I was stupid to think someone like her could want to just do stuff with me of their own free will."

" No listen here Riley Knight, I do not want you talking about yourself like that!" He cleared his throat and calmed his nerves." As for your question, I unfortunately can't help you regarding my Quirk. It's barely active, and as much as you don't wanna hear this mainly only activates during sex and makes it more pleasurable. Though by the sound of it you have the full blown version, you'll be attending UA. Ah ha! Midnight, the pro hero, she has a similar Quirk! Speak to her about it, I'm sure she could help you better than I could, though I'll reach out to some of my cousins and sisters and see if they have the full abilities and if they could give advice."

"Thanks dad, I really appreciate it.." His eyebrow rose as he heard a knock on his door." I gotta go dad, someone's trying to get my attention." He clicked end  on his call and walked over to the door, having a surprised expression as Tsu stood in the doorway. "Tsu?!?"

She smiled and waved to him. "Ribbit, that's me. Sorry I haven't answered you since the exams, when I don't have school and am home I'm watching my siblings. I remember where you lived from walking home with you the other day at the hospital. I wanted to talk about everything that happened."

Riley felt sweat flow down the back of his neck as he nervously nodded and stepped back to bring the door with him. "Oh! Um sure...sure yeah let's do that." He watched as she walked in, biting his lip trying to keep calm he had never had a girl in his room back home. "Can I just start wi-"

Tsu placed her finger on his lip and smiled. "So I did a little digging and found out who your dad is. I was curious if you had more than one Quirk cause I'm not usually that emotional or...forthcoming with affection. So if you can just be honest, did you actively release a Pheromone Quirk around me?" Riley shook his head no as Tsu pulled her finger away.

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