Quirky Evening

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"W-Wait a minute here!" Riley stammered over his words as he inched back, tripping over her bedframe and landing back first onto her bed. "D-Don't you wanna know anything else about me before just jumping into sex-" His eyes widened as he felt her crawl ontop of him and nuzzle into his neck, taking deep breaths of his scent. *FUCK!!!!! SHE'S SO CLOSE TO ME!!!* Was all he could think of as her hand ran circles on his chest and her lips gently touched his cheek.

"Mmm normally I would say yes, but this feels so good just giving into my primal urges of letting someone do things with me. People...people look at me like a mom of 1B...and then they don't seem to see me past that. Even back in high school I couldn't get others to look past me as a friend or even worse sister...and the ones into that I was not into." She looked deeply into his brown eyes with her teal ones. "Riley..." She moved her hand to his and gently guided it to her chest. "Go ahead, you can touch them."

Riley bit his lip hard, causing blood to form as his heart raced at the moment developing infront of him. "I...I..." He closed his eyes and let his hand touch her right breast, earning what seemed like a louder moan then it should have forcing his eyes to shoot open. "Itsuka!?"

"MMM FUCK YES!" She let a lewd face come over her as her head arched back. "Don't stop!" Her own hand came up and popped the buttons off her shirt and exposed her chest to Riley, having a sports bra on underneath.

"I um..." He gulped, feeling the tent pushing hard against his sweatpants and catching a scent in the air. "Is...Is that me?" It smelt like a mixtures of berries and oak, he enjoyed it but as he turned to look back at Itsuka he noticed her pressed harder against his chest and desperatly inhaling his scent.


"It...Itsuka I can't..." He gently tried pushing her away but quickly felt her full weight push her back down ontop of him, her hand growing large and inching close to his throat as he attempted to stop the situation. "Itsuka!!" Before he knew it she was gripping his throat and holding him down, grinding onto his crotch and moaning deeply feeling his erection pressing against her skin tight shorts.

"MMMM don't you DARE try and back down from me now that you have me all riled up." She leaned close to his neck, taking in his pheromones in more as a wet spot developed through her shorts. "GOD YOU FEEL SO AMAZING GRINDING AGAINST MY CROTCH!!!! FUCK IT I WANT IT NOW!!!" She started moving her head down, keeping her hand wrapped around his throat and biting down on his pants. "Mmm I want these off...I WANT THEM OFF!!!!"

Riley started tearing up from her rough behavior and lack of air. "I-It...suka...s-stop...please..." He tried reaching upto her hand, using what strength he could muster but still exhausted from his excessive quirk used during the class examinations he couldn't get her grip to break. *This is insane...my Quirks out of control...she just keeps getting more feral with how much she takes in...shes going to knock me out soon at this rate...* He thought to himself as he kept gasping for air, though his head turned to the screaming pot of water which seemed to snap Itsuka out of her trance for the moment.

"H-Huh...the water?" She looked back to Riley, her hand wrapped around his throat and his face turning blue. "Oh my god what am I doing?!?" She quickly pulled her hand back and let it return to normal size, Riley took the moment she relented and stumbled out of her dorm room quickly. "RILEY WAIT!!!"

He had tears streaming down his face as he tripped over his own two feet running down the halls to finally get to his own a few minutes later. He had been another first year with a solo room being it was roped into the exchange plans contract. He pulled his knees up to his chest and gripped them tightly. "That...that was horrifying..." He began to shake as he suddenly felt his phone vibrating in his pocket, as he took it out, he noticed it was Tsu texting him.

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