Chapter 1

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"Clovey, Clovey ......" , I can hear my mom calling me gently and yet furiously. "Clovey.. its already 9 am , if you still choose to be in your bed,God knows what will happen ". She was right, my subconscious mind knocked in and i realised I might get late today.

Oh by the way I didn't introduced myself right?

I am Clover Zhang ,22 years old, and just a girl struggling enough to fit the society. I work under a cafeteria, as a genral staff manager. I take life

in a pretty positive way , if something happens , it can't be changed , so why putting useless efforts?.

"Mom, I will skip the breakfast." I was in a rush , but somehow managed to wear my pink shirt with black trousers and my pairs of white sneakers.I smiled at my mom ,but she seems to be so done with me. Since my brother have shifted to California , for his higher studies ,my life have been a messed too. Mom and Dad are always worried about us , and due to different time zones , my brother rarely contact us.

"Clovey , I must say you have become a lot messier than you already were. And your brother , huh that stupid , don't even bother to take some time out from his not so busy life, and visit us." (If I don't leave right now, she will be in pain too)

I left for my workplace , by placing a cheek kiss to my mom , so she can feel at ease. I rushed to the metro . Not many people were there, so I didn't had

to face a huge crowd of people today. The cafe I work for , is situated in the streets closer to universities .In order to reach there, I usually take  a metro ,and it takes around 20 minutes for me to reach there.

Well this was not really what I dreamed of. In reality my wish is to own a cafe where I can showcase my artwork along with the artworks of small artists. Yes, I have majored in fine arts, and so my mind feels free when it gets to be creative. Coming from a modern Chinese family , me and my brother were allowed to study according to our wish. He chose animation and I was always into painting. Sometime I really miss him , he was the only person , who knew about my life more than anyone else, now that he isn't here , I feel alone. I do have friends , but we all are busy with our works , and I don't feel like disturbing any of them.

Oh here my train was, seems like today I will not have to stand for the whole journey, murmuring this to myself ,I settled myself in one of the seat and started through my phone. Soon I reached the cafeteria.

"Hey Clover, you look pretty today",Xiwei my colleague complemented me. She is really sweet kind of a person ,and always shows her positive side to us. But seems like these days she have some kind of problem with her boyfriend, I remembered last night she was crying to herself while her boyfriend kept scrolling through his phone. I must say sometimes boys don't really try to understand the feelings of girls. I can say her fake smile was really bad. But anyways I greeted her back with a smile .

I was supposed to look after the cafeteria as a manager, and to see if everything was fine. I started making rounds , and noticing every single details . The cafeteria have a minimal look and have 2 floors designed with a vintage interior. The second floor have books and records, for people to spend time peacefully . And if I can tell you a truth book self is the only reason I accepted their job offer for. After business hours , I always spend about an hour reading . I don't like gossiping to others, so I skip those staff meals and office parties.

I have planned to open a small cafe soon , and so I will try looking for a rental space somewhere near too. I haven't talked about it at home, and I already know their reactions. But this is  how I have planned my life as. I want to spend my life peacefully, since I ever had a breakup with Lee, my life don't speak to me about having such feelings. Lee was my batchmate, we dated for 4 years , and just before I was planning to ask him about marriage , he said he never loved me , and this was all just a time pass thing. Now eventually I was supposed to cry , but my heart have never felt his love, so I wasn't much broken. But my trust issues got affected and i decided I am better off alone.

My parents knew the situation so they never talked to me regarding this topic, and they never informed my brother about this as well. It was for good , as he would have started blaming himself for not being able to protect me.

Its already 9 o'clock , I don't wanna go home yet. So I started waking around the streets, these city lights really make me happy. Looking at people, thinking about what their story can be , is what my thoughts are mostly about. I bought a candy stick and its sweetness took over my mind . I called at home saying I will be a bit late. Mom was worried , but she knows how much I need time with myself, so she asked me to stay safe and disconnected the call.

I went back to the cafe and went directly to the second floor. Xiwei told me , new books have been arrived this morning and some new records as well. I played one of the record , that sounds like some blues , and looking for something to read, I came across this one book "The Parallel Kim". I must say , the writer have some real talent , looking at the name , I was really curious to know what really the story is about.

I opened the book , and soon the music that was playing in the background , started fading away. My head was feeling light and yet my eyes were getting closed. I can hear some voices speaking a language I wasn't much familiar with.

to be continued............

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