Chapter One

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The screams are ringing in my ears, the thick smoke makes my eyes sting. The chaos around me has me distracted for a minute. As I watch people running, screaming, crying. Some are praying, pleading and begging for another day to live, or at least a painless death.

Even though I had ran as fast as I could, I still didn't make it far before I was forced to stop. They started firing at random. Throwing Fire Pods through windows. They had come to wipe out our village. Destroy everything within.

Who are they, you ask? They are nothing more than murderers. Puppets from the King and his Royal House. Soldiers they call themselves. We call them the Red Ants and this is a Red Plague. Those have been happening more often lately. Whole villages, towns burnt down to the ground until nothing but ashes remains. The worst part is that they kill every living thing in their way. Every innocent citizen, man, woman, child, no one in their path is safe.

And no one knows why exactly they come. It is rumoured that the King is looking for something. Something with extraordinary powers. Though what is exactly, no one is sure of. Honestly I don't really care. I don't think anything is important enough that thousands of innocent people have to die for it. Even one is one too many. They killed Dave.

An explosion nearby brings me back to my senses. I am crouched down , next to a shuddering building. I saw it catching fire a few hours ago, it was the first of many. Not sure if it was still safe in my hiding spot I decide to take cover elsewhere.

With adrenaline flowing through my body, I set off and make a sprint across the road. A high pitched scream gets my attention, even though there are so many people yelling and explosions are happening everywhere, I still take notice of this one single scream. It makes a shiver go down my spine and I turn my head to the source.

There is no way I would be able to locate where it comes from, but somehow I just catch sight of her. In her, what used to be, white night gown she is standing on a roof. I recognize the building to be the towns orphanage, I pass it once in a while when I'm headed for the market.

Quickly I scan my surroundings, everyone is so busy worrying about their own lives, making sure their loved ones are safe. It's no surprise that the ones who have no one get forgotten. While I'm taking cover behind a low stone wall which was probably a building once, I try to figure out my options.

I could just make a run for it, head to the woods and never look back. Leaving everything and everyone I once knew behind me. A sigh escapes my lips and I know I've already made up my mind as soon as I saw the girl. As I look up to the roof of the orphanage she's still there, for a moment our eyes meet and then she looks down.

Spreading her arms like she's a bird about to take flight. It hits me that she might actually be doing that.

"Wait!" I scream, while I stand up completely blowing my cover.

A few people look at me strangely, but not longer than a few seconds, because they need to get to safety themselves. Wherever that might be. I know there is no way the young girl has heard me, but I couldn't hold it back.

I bite my lip and shake my head, still keeping an eye on the child on the roof. Luckily she hasn't moved yet. With all the energy I have left I sprint to the building. When I'm only few meters from reaching the door I can hear them.

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