Birthday party

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Today was like any other day for the Autobots... psych! Today is a special day for a pretty rad girl. Speaking of the rad girl, Miko was sitting in her room at her host parent's house, drawing some stuff to pass the time. The reason why Miko was doing this instead of hanging out at the Autobot was cause Cayde asked her to stay away from the base for a while to set up her party.

Miko can't wait to see what Cayde and the bots got planned.

Speaking of Cayde and the bots, everyone was helping set up the most amazing party for Miko ever. Everyone had their own tasks given to them by Cayde, being the party planner. His job was to make sure everything was perfect for Miko's party and to make sure everyone finishes their tasks.

Raf and Jazz were in charge of finding music that miko likes for the party and so far the two nearly had a playlist all set for the party." Man, there is so much groove music here on this planet, it's hard to just pick a few." Said Jazz, looking down at Raf's laptop.

Raf nodded a bit to agree with Jazz." I know what you mean, but thankfully we only gotta focus on a particular genre of music today for mikos party." Said Raf as he added another song to the playlist.

While they worked on the music, the others were doing different tasks.

Working on making the decorations was whirl, Bee, and Crosshairs. Crosshairs was a bit ticked he got stuck with this task." Why do I gotta waste my time with this? What's in it for me?" Asked Crosshairs. Instead of an answer, his face was met with a gun courtesy of whirl.

Whirl held a gun in one of his claws as he had a skull cut out in the other."What's in it for you is I don't blow your head into scrap we need the extra set of hands. My claws can only do so much." Said Whirl as he then sets the gun down and goes back to making skull cut outs.

Crosshairs grumbles a bit as he goes back to making cut outs. This makes Bee laugh a tad at this as he was making musical note cut outs.

While the three continued to work on the decorations, Optimus, Ratchet, Que, and surprisingly Agent Fowler were setting up Party games.

Agent Fowler originally came to get a report from prime, but accidentally stumbled upon everyone preparing for Mikos party and ended being dragged into helping with the party.

One of them games was called stick the Autobot badge on the Prime. It was basically stick the tail on the donkey but instead of a donkey it's a picture of Optimus prime without his Autobot badge." Agent Fowler, I am unfamiliar with this earth game, can you explain it?" Asked Optimus as he stared at the close up picture of himself without an autobot badge.

"Oh uh well someone is blindfolded and then spun around till a certain amount of time. After that, everyone or someone has to help guide the one with the blindfold put the object in the right place." Agent Fowler explained the best he could to the giant alien robot.

Ratchet thought this game was stupid and thought a game from cybertron would be better. But that's not the only thing he thought was stupid." This is a waste of Energon. We could be using this time for something much more important." Said Ratchet.

Optimus looked at his old friend and placed a hand on his shoulder." Ratchet, you may believe this to be a waste of time, but I see it as a way to create memories that will last eternity. The future is a mystery and we don't know what might happen, so it would be best to enjoy times like these while we still can." Said Optimus, trying to help ratchet see this whole thing in a different way.

This gets ratchet thinking a bit as he just stands there, thinking about Optimus's words.

While he did that, hound and Ironhide were in charge of setting up the tables for presents, drinks,food, and other party stuff. The two were given this job because Cayde thought it would be hilarious to watch and to record for miko to see.

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