Bill took a couple of days to design and test a suitable human form, but the delay paid off, it was a perfect form, it would appeal to Ford without any problems on the physical side, now he needed to work on his problems with him.
Ford was studying the shape shifter in his room trying to distract himself from thoughts related to Bill -At least you understand me- He said stroking the shape shifter -Or maybe you are just too friendly for a shape shifter.-
As Ford gathered his things and began to reorganize them, without expecting it, he heard something open the door to his room, in a reflex of instinct and self-defense he pulled out his gun, pointing it at the door.-Woah! Hold it right there sixer, you don't want to get a hole in this form, do you? It took me a while to perfect it.
-Bill? Is that you? Why do you look like a human?-
-I thought it would be better to work with you in a human form, so we could spend more time together and maybe fix our problems.-
-Well, it makes sense... Besides it would probably be easier for us...-Bill put one of his hands a bit under Ford's back trying to earn some kind of reaction, in the time he was perfecting his human form he was also studying the romantic behavior of humans trying to replicate it. Luckily he was able to earn a reaction from Ford, it caused him to get a slight blush on his cheeks "interesting..." Bill said in his mind as he admired Ford's work.
-When is our next study session?-
-I'm afraid there will be no study sessions for a while, the project is now in our priorities, why don't you call your friend the technician? What was his name? McBucket?-
-McGucket. Yeah, I think it would be good to call him, I could use an extra pair of hands building the portal. Bill grabbed Ford's shoulders as he leaned out from one of his sides -Perfect, the faster we get this done the longer we can study, okay?-
-Yes, thank you Bill... It's considerate of you, I'm sorry if I've lost control lately, I'm just stressed out with all this, it's a big project and I don't even know if it's legal
-Fordsy, relax, okay? That's all behind us, let's just focus on what's important, everything is going to be fine.-Bill let go to leave Ford alone, who immediately grabbed a personal journal he had hidden to begin writing about Bill's strange behavior.
Bill is starting to act stranger and stranger, today he did something out of the ordinary and touched me a little more below the back and grabbed my shoulders which is something he never does. He now has a human form out of nowhere, It doesn't make sense that he would have done that for mere pleasure, he has never presented any interest in being a human or knowing in a deep way what we are... I'll keep my eye on him. "Ford immediately lay down on his bed, letting his body rest and disconnect from the world, thus falling into a deep sleep.
When he opened his eyes again, he was sitting in a space-like place at a café table and in front of him was Bill smiling and drinking tea. -Bill? What is this place?- Without saying anything Bill disappeared leaving Ford alone, while the place seemed to fill up with water only for Ford to get up sweating and having tachycardia.
He began to calm down, but that dream hadn't been just one meaningless thing, there was something wrong, but he was too tired to think about it right now, so he just went back to sleep trying to calm those thoughts.
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