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I didn't knew what was happening. Confused I looked at the back of Wonho as I was led along the corridor. "Wonho, wait!" I said, but he kept on running. My legs were getting tired, I could barely breath anymore and my heart was pounding so fast that it hurt. When I really couldn't continue anymore, he slowed down his pace and took a turn into a short hall with just two doors.

I was panting an really worn out, but he barely gave me any time to calm down. He pushed me against the wall and I looked into his eyes, they looked pained and jeaulous. I didn't understood why and I was still recovering from my run. In a flash, as everything was going to fast for me to understand, his lips were pressed to mine. I didn't knew how to react and when he pulled back, he immediately started rattling.

"do you know for how long I've been searching for you? Do you know how much trouble I took to finally see you again? Then I found you and you immediately yell some cliche love story stuff to that guy! That you already know him and even dated each other! Then those guys came already looking with that filthy interest. He says some thing and you're about to cry. Do I even stand a chance against mister childhood friend?"

He said all that in an agitated manner, as he walked in cirkles through the small hall, his hands making all kind of movements.

My lips were still burning and my heart seemed to explode. He had calmed down a little and was now looking at me, waiting for an answer. All his words and actions had taken me so much by surprise that I was a little stunned, but I finally found my voice back.

"We don't even know each other, I mean we just met once before. I saw you on tv and stuff, but still... Personally there is nothing I know about you."

It was the only answer I could think of and I would probably regret the least. I looked at the ground, didn't dare to look at his eyes. So I was surprised to hear his voice was still so cool as he started talking.

"That doesn't matter, I fell in love with you at first sight. So get to know me, quickly." His face had been coming closer while he was talking. When he finished, his face really was too close. Paralysing me once again, he kissed me. I don't even know anymore for how long we stood there, getting to 'know' each other.

A/N Finally some action! I thought it became time to let a little bit more happen. I really had fun writing it! Hope you enjoyed as well!

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