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I was startled I didn't knew what to say. Finally meeting him, seeing him again. I stood nailed to the ground. Simply staring at them. Until the Wonho on the right broke the silence.

"Yeong, is that you?"
Wait, he actually recognized me? I had revealed my hair and face before I walked into the room, but still. It had been so many years. As I was about to cry, a wronged smile appeared on my face. I tried to calm down and get my voice back. I fighted the urge to just jump at him and hug him. After a time that seemed hours, but were just seconds, I opened my mouth to say something.

"Wait wait wait wait.... you know each other?" The other Wonho spoke before me. He was looking at me and I couldn't even tell what kind of expression it was. I nodded and looked at the ground, not knowing where to look.

I decided it was time to finally say what I wanted to say. Facing the right Wonho and keeping my voice as calm as possible, I started to talk.

"I'm sorry, but there is something I really wanted to say to you." He let me stop there immediately and looked at the left Wonho. With a slightly Irritated voice he said,
"Could you please leave?"
"No definitely not." He answered stubborn, he blew his cheecks, crossed his arms and sat down as a stubborn child.
"It's fine, I don't really mind." I just wanted to say this and get over with it.

"I know it is all quite sudden after all this time, but I really wanted to see you again. I know we broke up then and it took me 7 years to actually realize how much I miss you, but I can't help it. Lately, with every little thing you appear in my mind. Everything I see or reminds me of you. All the memories we had, even though half of it may already be forgotten. I just couldn't forget you. I actually thought you had already forgotten me and wouldn't even recognize me, so you quite surprised me. Just to be clear, I don't mean to immediately start dating or something, I don't even know if I still like you that way. I just want to know you again, and I want to be your friend again."

I said it in a flash. Rattling on, only taking short pauses to breath. My mood changing from agitated, to a little pained or embarrassed, or what else emotion was not inside me? As I finished, it took them some time to progress what I just said and for me to calm down and breath properly. I had been looking at the ground the whole time, so I didn't knew his expression. Know taking a peek I saw he looked a little pained and with compassion. Finally he opened his mouth to say something.

There came noises from the hallway, the door opened and some guys came inside laughing. There went my answer...
"Hey, Shin why is the guard passed out in front of...." He stopped talking as he saw that they didn't find him alone.

I saw Wonho looking at me with a gaze saying, "what did you do". So I said as softly as possible, "my bad". He had to laugh, "you haven't changed at all!" The other guys looking confused.

I was extremely embarrassed. The guys that walked in looked quite familiar, I guess I must have seen them on a picture with Wonho, they must be the other members of Cross Gene. It actually doesn't realy matter, I just want my answer!

"Shin, what is he doing here, isn't he from Monsta X?"pointing at the Wonho in the corner,"and who is that girl?" One of the guys said now looking at me. Recovering from his laughter Shin introduced me. "This is Yeong. Yeong these guys are Takuya, Casper and Seyoung, she's an old friend of mine." He hesitated before he said the word friend.

I looked at him trying to make clear that I still wanted his answer. He got the hint and not even thinking about the fact that there 3 more people listening now, he said, "oh right, well of course I didn't forget you, you where important. I did grow over you after you moved away, since I knew there was no hope for us to still hold contact..."

"You still could have tried" I muttered silently. He looked at me confused, he didn't hear me well luckily, and I waved him to talk on. "I would love to know you again, I guess we can find some time in our bussy daily lifes to be together, do you have time now?" he said it all in the sweet voice I had missed for all these years. The urge to hug him came back and I felt tears slowly moving to my eyes.

But I couldn't answer, nor do anything. There was a loud sound and my heart jumped. The mirror broke and I felt something tug at my arm. Confused about what was happening and a heart that was racing once again, I was dragged out of the room away from the others.

A/N THE REAVEAL. I don't know if I made it really clear, but the Wonho she met in the first chapter is the Wonho from Monsta X and in the this chapter the left one. The other from this chapter is Shin Won ho from Cross Gene, he's on the right. It is quite confusing also because Wonho's name was Shin in the past as well! Hope you liked it!

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