Chapter four

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The following morning, a man assigned to undress and prepare Yoga's body for public display entered the room

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The following morning, a man assigned to undress and prepare Yoga's body for public display entered the room.


No sooner had he begun his task than Yoga suddenly sat up.

The man, terrified, fainted instantly, falling heavily to the floor.

Now awake, Yoga observed the scene with a slight smile. He quickly freed himself from the ropes that bound his movements, taking advantage of the man's unconsciousness to plan his escape.

He stood up and left the room, following a corridor that led him directly to the judgment hall. Several exits were possible: the corridor leading to the cells and other grilles leading to other corridors. He remembered the mysterious man behind the grille during his trial and decided to take that path. Once in front of the grille, he lifted it with ease.

At the end of the corridor, he entered a room that seemed to be the knights' hall. This hall was vast, adorned with heavy tapestries and banners bearing the colors of Luxoria. Racks filled with swords and shields lined the walls, and squires were polishing the knights' gleaming armor. The smell of polished metal and oil filled the air.

The occupants of the room were astonished to see Yoga enter. About a dozen knights and several squires froze, their eyes wide with disbelief. This man, who had been hanged just a few hours earlier, now stood before them, alive and well.

The knights drew their swords, stepping back a few paces.

"How is this possible?" one of them murmured, his voice trembling.

"Back, monster!" cried another, his hand gripping the hilt of his sword.

"You were dead, and now..." stammered a third, unable to believe what he was seeing.

"Impossible..." murmured a squire, his eyes fixed on Yoga.

Yoga, unconcerned and confident, raised a calming hand. A slight smile played on his lips.

"Gentlemen, I wish to speak with the sovereigns of Luxoria," he declared calmly, his voice resonating in the hall.

The knights exchanged uncertain glances, the tension palpable in the air. None of them dared to take the first step, still in shock at Yoga's reappearance.

One of the knights ordered a guard to relay the information, and the latter ran out shouting:

"Come quickly, come quickly, the dead man has awakened! He's in the guards' hall."

All pointing their swords at Yoga, they made him retreat to the previous room, the judgment hall. The grilles were quickly closed to ensure he could not escape. The knights and guards, nervous, trembled slightly, their eyes fixed on Yoga with palpable mistrust.

"Keep an eye on him; this man is not human."

Suddenly, the man who had been hiding behind the grille during the judgment reappeared. He was evidently one of Luxoria's leaders, his face marked by surprise and a hint of amusement. He burst into laughter, a harsh and sarcastic sound resonating in the hall.

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