Dazai-san's predictable behaviour

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"Ah, I'm gonna kill myself."

Dazai smiles.

Chuuya doesn't flinch at all. Not one bit.
"Oh yeah?" he says nonchalantly, as if Dazai just said that he was going to buy ice cream later.
Dazai grins.
"Yeah, I am. Wanna watch?"
Chuuya sighs and slumps back into the couch. It's a very old couch and there are stains in some areas of it that he isn't quite sure what they are.

"No thanks." he says, "I've seen you slit your wrists and jump off a building before, and I'm not interested in seeing you do it again."

Dazai pouts. It makes him look like a 12 year old kid who just got his toys taken away from him.

"Aww, come on Sushi" he says, "It'll be fun, I promise! We can go to the river and watch the sunset together. It'll be oh so romantic~"

Chuuya rolls his eyes and makes a gagging noise.

"Ew. As if." he says, "And don't call me Sushi, jackass."

"Fine then." he says, "But I'm still gonna kill myself!"

"Yeah good luck with that." Nakahara groans and walks out of Dazai's room, heading towards his own dorm for the night. Sometimes he would sleep in his accomplice's room but today was one of those days where he wasnt assed to put up with his shit. He enters his room and gets ready to go to sleep, throwing his uniform on the floor and not bothering to wash himself. It didn't take long before he was asleep.

Chuuya closes the door behind him and starts to walk towards Dazai's room, intending on having a smoke and conversation before attending the morning meeting to discuss further actions with the mafia. He pushes the door open, and then stops. Dazai's body is lying on the carpet, his bandages cut off and thrown to the side. His flesh is a deep red and his blood is pooling onto the carpet. He was in his work uniform from the day before but had removed his blazer and shirt, leaving him shirtless.

"Ugh" Chuuya grunts. He moves towards Dazai's body and kneels down to check his pulse. It's weak, but he is still alive.
"Stupid asshole." he mutters. He picks up Dazai's phone about three feet away from him and dials the boss, Mori Ougai, who was previously a doctor. "Hello?" He answers.
"It's Nakahara." Chuuya says, "I need your assistance, boss." Mori's voice raises a pitch. "What happened? What did Dazai do this time?" Chuuya rolls his eyes. "Nothing new, boss. He slit his wrists." There is a short pause before the sound of rustling clothes is heard. "I'll be there as soon as possible, Nakahara. Thank you for calling."
"Yes, boss." he says, and then he hangs up. He looks down at Dazai's body and sighs. He pulls out a cigarette and lights it up, puffing on it slowly as he waits for Mori to arrive. Nakahara's eyes wander over the unconscious Dazai infront of him. His ribcage was visible, even through the abundant layers of bandages. Osamu had an odd expression on his face, it was reminiscent of a smile. Chuuya hears footsteps coming from the hallway, and then the sound of the door opening. He doesn't even bother to turn around from Dazai. "Is he dead?" Mori asks, and Chuuya shakes his head.
"Nah." he says. "I'm gonna go pack up my things while you work on him then, boss."                    "Sure, Chuuya." Mori says. "And please tell me if Dazai tries to kill himself again, okay? I don't want to have to deal with the paperwork for a dead employee."                                                      "Affirmative." he says. He walks past Mori and towards the door, puffing on his cigarette as he goes.                                                                                                                                                                                        "By the way, Nakahara?" Mori asks. Chuuya stops walking. "Yes?" he says.

"If Dazai dies, you're fired too." he says.
"I know. I have trust in him." he says quietly, walking out the room, leaving Mori and Dazai alone.
He shuts the door behind him, leaving Mori to the mess on the floor. Mori sighs and kneels down next to Dazai, tucking his dark hair out of his face. He takes out a needle and thread from his bag and gets ready to stitch up his wounds. He looks down at Dazai's body and shakes his head.
"Why do you do this to yourself?" he asks quietly. He starts to stitch up Dazai's wrists.
"Boss." Dazai groans, his eyes fluttering open. Mori's hands become still but he continues to look at the cuts on Dazai's wrists. "Yes, Dazai?" he asks.
"Tell Sushi I say hello." Dazai mumbles. Mori rolls his eyes. "Of course, Osamu. Now let me fix you up before you bleed to death."
"Okay boss." he says, closing his eyes. Mori smiles.
"I'll tell you what, Dazai." he says, starting to sew up the other wrist.
"What's that?" Dazai asks.
"If you do this once again." he says, "I will personally kill you myself."
"Oh?" Dazai says, his voice laced with amusement.
"Yes." Mori says. "It would be an honour to die from such an important figure like me. Oh, and the medical supplies are quite expensive. The mafia cannot afford to pay for them every week. And Chuuya, as much as he may deny it, he cares about you."
"Yes. So please refrain from suicide in the near future."
"Okay. I will try, boss." Mori smiles and continues to stitch up Dazai's cuts. "That's good, Dazai." he says.

Mori finishes up and then stands, looking at the blood on the floor. He sighs. "I'll send a cleaner in here to clean the blood up. You should probably take a shower and change your uniform. We're due for a meeting at 9:00."
"Yes, boss." Dazai says. Mori nods and leaves the room, shutting the door behind him. Dazai sighs. He pulls out his phone and calls Chuuya's number. It rings for a couple of seconds, the contact name 'SNAIL' on the screen. He picks up and clears his throat.
"Oh, your awake huh." Nakahara's voice says on the other end.

"Where are you?".

"In my room as per usual"

"Can we smoke before work?"
"Okay." Chuuya says. "Come here"
"Alright, ill be a moment." Dazai says and then he hangs up.
He gets up and walks out of his room and towards the bathroom. He undresses and steps inside, turning the knob for the hot water. Steam fills the room, filling his lungs as he inhales. His wrists burned as the hot water ran down his body. He closes his eyes and leans against the wall, letting out a painful sigh. A few minutes pass and then he turns off the water and steps out, drying off his lean body. He puts on a new uniform and walks out of the bathroom and towards Chuuya's room, knocking on the door.
"Come in." he hears from the other side. Dazai smiles as he walks in. Chuuya's sitting on the bed, his cigarette already lit up. Dazai sits down beside him and then holds out his hand. Chuuya passes him the cigarette and he takes a drag of it, passing it back to Chuuya. He smiles as he exhales the smoke, his eyes closing. They had half an hour before the meeting began.
"Thank you, Sushi." he says. "For what?" Chuuya questioned.
"For everything." Dazai says. He leans forward and kisses Chuuya on the cheek. "You're so sweet." he says.
" Ew get off me!" Chuuya says, pushing Dazai off of him. "Don't touch me!" he whines, glaring at him. Osamu laughs. "You're so cute." he says. "Shut up." Chuuya says, hitting Dazai in the chest. "I hate you!"
"I know." Dazai says, laughing.
"I hate you too."


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