He's Back

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"Ms.Hammond?" .Ew I hated the way she said it. I hate the way the 'S' is so fucking sharp when she talks . I hate how her dumb face wrinkles by her saying my name . I can't fucking stand when she -

"There's a man here with coffee, you should take care of it ." Everybody can see it . Her and these slick ass comments .It's so fucking annoying. I hate attractive or pretty looking females with shitty personality's or an fuck ass attitude . But I hate everything about this job at that.

"If you'd move I would be able to ." With a hard tone in my voice. Before she could comprehend my words I walked out into the hallway away from the office. Just by the hat of the male I could tell Ryan was back from visiting his older sister  . This was always his routine before he left so I should've guessed it was him. But shit I'm tired period and tired of coming to this shit hole called a job for 5 days of the week.

"Bitch why are you so grumpy?" now he was one of the few people to brighten my day and yes , he was gay but that made him better in my eyes. I give him the 'you should know that answer' look and he nods his head knowing that my life was a piece of shit .However in this moment it was Cara. The pretty, slutty, bratty bitch of a co-worker .

"so you came back with out telling your bestfriend ?" I wasn't really mad but I'm dramatic so... there's that. "Mia I know for a damn fact you're not mad , I told you about my shitty phone. "

"yea, yea, yea... and thanks bitch" I say accepting my coffee from him. This was how we talked in this friendship and it wasn't gonna change.

"How in the FUCK is your office colder than outside?" Ryan says as we make our way into my shitty office , before Cara's flirting harder than usual. Ryan is sexy as fuck, Take it from me. But, as stated before he's gay and likes penis and Cara's hoe senses seem to think their strong enough to turn him out.


It's 8:00pm as I plopped down on the black and gray couch of my apartment.

"UGHHHHH" I made a loud sound just for the fun of me being immature not giving a shit about my neighbors.

Nor my roommate

"We've got to donate time to cleaning this shit"

I'm not mad at Her either, we work hard with our shitty jobs to give money to our landlord for us to keep a house, it would be nice to come home to one though, which is why we should do something about this shit.

And we've actually got an okay relationship which is good to have when living with a person, couldn't fathom living with a person I didn't like, which was most people but ...you get it.

I get on my cracked ass phone to thank Ryan for dropping me off, I swear he wouldn't let me get on the bus as long as he was there , and when he wasn't he FaceTimed me every night making sure I'm safe. Man I love him.

Before I get to text him I see 12 missed calls from my mother.

She rarely calls her own daughter.

Without calling back, worn out.I put my black hair in a bun, change clothes and walk up the stairs to see my roommate Bianca, running bath water. It's time for her shift at work. I remember as I flashed a whole hearted smile and continued walking too tired to start a conversation at the moment.

I pull back the sheets from my bed and dive the fuck in ready to doze off from the long day .


Bianca and this loud ass music, I got up, opened the door and made sure I was loud enough to be heard.



Hey sluts . Did I mention this book had swears? Lol I'm young (nah I'm not telling my age Bitch) and I actually don't know where this story is going honestly . If you read the other chapters they have nothing to do with this new and fresh book. Like I said I'm young so stay with me throughout this book !

Untitled Part 1Where stories live. Discover now