Chapter 1 ~ Introduction

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Siobhan's POV:

I was in Marjorie's office, covering as her and Autumn were on annual leave. Sorscha and her partner, Clodagh had recently had a baby so they've gone to go and see it. I was currently trying to explain to Roger why I couldn't answer the phone.

"Roger, I've already explained this. I couldn't answer the phone, because I was in the room with the children." I said through gritted teeth, shutting my eyes with irritation.

"So fucking what you stupid slut?! I fucking own you don't forget, learn to answer your phone the first time!" He screamed at me down the phone. I shut my eyes before sighing. I was just about to respond to him before a woman walked into the office.

She had dark, short hair with baby blue eyes. She was the most beautiful woman I'd ever seen. Siobhan, pull yourself together. You're straight.

"Yea okay. Thanks Charlotte. Bye!" The woman had said before facing me.

"I have to go now." I said plainly to Roger.

"You better fucking call me back you stupid slag!" He said to me.

"Yes, I will call you back." I said before hanging up the phone and shutting my eyes, taking a deep breath in. I open my eyes to see the woman staring at me.

"Hiya!" She said in a cheerful voice. For god sake woman, it's 7:30 in the damn morning.

"Yes?" I say in a boring, plain voice.

"Oh. Hello there. Where's Marjorie and Autumn today?" She said, looking around the office before looking back at me.

"One of the staff members had a baby, so they've gone to go and see it." I replied, putting my phone down on the desk.

She looked at me puzzled at what I had just said.

"Most people don't refer to a baby as an it." She said with a disgusted look on her face. I couldn't care less. I'm Siobhan Serpent, and I'm not like most people.

"I'm not like most people." I gave her a dirty look and shook my head as she rolled her eyes at me.

"Clearly. Right here's Jamie's slip for your next walk to the park!" She said, reaching into her pocket and pulling the slip out. She held it between her pointer and middle finger before holding it out to me. I take it from her, my fingers brushing hers slightly.

"Thanks, I'll put this with the others." I said before my phone started pinging uncontrollably. I see the woman look at my phone with a disturbed look on her face. I switch the notifications off before looking back at her.

"Persistent aren't they?" She said, a slight smirk on her face.

"Is there anything else you needed?" I snapped at her, staring directly at her. She was slightly taken aback by this before shaking her head no.

"Nope, I shall see you later." She said quietly before turning around and walking out of the office. I sat down in Marjorie's chair before grabbing my phone and dialing Roger's number again.


"Well done, you finally listened for once in your stupid life. What are you doing? Where are you?" He bombarded me with questions. This man does not let me live a personal life anymore.

"I'm at work, about to log into the computer." I replied before he said 'okay, love you' in the most fakest tone ever.

He hung up the phone and I let out a sigh of relief. I switch my phone off and place it inside of my bag before logging into the computer. I reply to some emails before the woman walks back in.

"Oh hello again. What can I do for you this time." I said, glaring at her.

"Wow, someone's in a mood. I left my bag in here." She said before picking it up and winking at me, before turning around and leaving once again.

I visibly blush before half smiling. I shake my head to get rid of that thought before getting back to work.


I was stood up, sorting some files out when Charlotte came into the office.

"Hey Shibby-on." She said, quickly correcting her mess up. I looked up at her and gave her a glare. What the fuck did she just call me?

"On.. von.. Siobhan, Siobhan, Siobhan!" She says with an awkward laugh before turning away.

"Where on earth did the nickname Shibby come from?" I asked angrily before she looked at me, smiling again.

"Oh probably some group chat. Yea I just wanted to let you know that Jamie's still here." She said, laughing awkwardly.

"Seriously? We closed half an hour ago. Why is he still here?!" I was getting more infuriated now. I always had to be home by a certain time. Roger's orders.

"I don't know, no one else is on his contact list either. I've tried mum but no answer. Maybe she's been held up at work. She's a single parent, new to the area so no friends either." She said, sympathetically.

"I know you probably wanted it to shrug a heartstring or two. But I feel no sympathy."

"It's funny to think you have heartstrings." She said, smirking before walking out the door and back down to the baby room.

I look at her confused as I've never seen Charlotte so.. gobby.

"When did Charlotte get so feisty?" I said to myself before continuing to sort the files out.


The woman storms into the office for the third time that day. I look up and glare at her, anger was rising in my chest.

"Hi! Hi I'm so sorry I'm late. I got held up at work." She said, panting.

"You're over an hour late. What could've possibly held you up at work?!" I snapped at her and started shouting. She looked at me with squinted eyes.

"Cardiac arrest."

"What are you, a doctor?"

"No I'm a nurse. And I've just spent the last hour trying to save someone's life."

"Well since you make a measley amount anyway, I'll waive the late fee. You better collect your son, he's waiting for you." I said before shooing her off. She said bye to me and just as I relaxed, my phone started ringing.

"Where the fuck are you, you were meant to be home an hour ago!" He was clearly drunk. I could hear him slurring.

"I am leaving. Now." I say infuriated even more. I lock up the nursery and walk over to my car, sitting in it with my head against the steering wheel.

I sit there for 5 minutes, thinking about my day before I turn on the ignition and start making my dreaded journey home.


Shivian story now! It ain't gonna be as good as Marjoreece but I'll try!!

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