Chapter 3 ~ Vivian

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Vivian's POV:

"I was in the building anyway. I'm not here to tell you to move the car, I just wanna make it look like I am so she'll stop chewing my ear off." The very attractive woman said to me. Maybe the ice queen does have a heart.

"Handy. Because I wasn't gonna move it anyway." I said before she looked at me quite shocked. She tilted her head before bringing it back up again.

"Any particular reason why you're choosing this spot? It's the furthest away from the building." She stated.

"Exactly why I do it. Yesterday morning I saw three dings with people trying to get as close to the door as possible, so at least back here, I know I'm safe." I said slightly smirking at the cold woman standing in front of me.

"You do realise parking here irritates the lady who lives next door?" She said, her hands resting on her hips making me want to just kiss her right there. She was the most beautiful woman I've ever seen.

I shrugged my shoulders, not giving two fucks before replying to her.

"Oh. I know. In addition to not having the paint scratched on my car, her being annoyed is an extra bonus." I say before leaning my head back towards her house, rolling my eyes before meeting her gaze again. I winked at her quickly before she raised her eyebrows slightly, making her face look more alive.

"Given that you're brand new to town, you're not doing yourself any favours when it comes to making friends." She argued. I tilted my head down slightly, smiling at her with my eyes widened and eyebrows raised.

"When it comes to making friends, I wouldn't say you're the authority on the matter." I said looking her up and down. She looked at me, flabbergasted at what she had just said. I don't think anyone's squared up to her before.

I looked at her, still slightly smiling at her before opening my mouth to speak.

"Oh yea. I've heard about you. Siobhan, former manager of the other nursery, you've got quite the reputation." I said squinting my eyes slightly. She stands up straight, glaring into my eyes.

She scowls at me before telling me to have a nice day. She was just about to walk off before her phone dinged numerous times. I look down at her phone before looking back up to her gorgeous face, which was fixated in a scowl. She grabs her phone out of her pocket and I can see her facial expression change when she sees who was messaging her.

I look her up and down, my mouth slightly agape. I raise my brows before looking away awkwardly. I look up to the lady's house before speaking once again to diminish the awkward silence.

"Do you know?" I said before I felt her look up at me once again. I return my gaze back to the stunning woman. I look at her phone then back at her again.

"You could just throw it in the bin." I say suggestively. She looks at me as if I had just said for her to throw her phone into the bin.

"You want me to throw my phone in the bin?"

"Nah, I weren't talking about the phone. Meant the person sending those texts." She looked at me very shocked whilst I kept my cool, smiling at her.

"That's what I did with mine." As soon as I'd said that, she raised her left brow and gave me a half smile. God, that was so gorgeous. I stood there for a few seconds, smiling back at her before breaking the precious moment.

"Or you know. Just be a typical millennial and you know, stick it on silent," I said moving my eyes to the side before meeting her gorgeous face once again, "I'm sure he can wait." I raised my brow and turned around. Just as I was about to take my little one into nursery, she called out, instantly stopping me.

"I didn't get your name." She said, placing her phone back into her pocket. I turned around and looked at her.

"Vivian, but all my friends back home call me Viv. It's kind of like the sound my car makes when I turn it on, it's really loud. Another bonus for annoying the neighbour." I nod my head slightly at her, turning back around.

"You seem rather hell bent on annoying this neighbour." She said before I turned around once again.

"She turned the sprinklers on the first time I ever parked here and got Jamie all wet before he went into nursery so uh, this mama bears got a grudge now and I got plenty of time in my hands." I said, shrugging my shoulder. She gave me a half smile and a raised brow again before I took Jamie into nursery. I did handover with Charlotte before walking out of the nursery again. I saw Siobhan was still stood there, looking at her phone.

I walk over to my car and just as I was about to get in, she called my name.

"Oh. Uhm, Vivian?" She said. I looked up for the millionth time that morning before giving her a slight smile.

"Yes Siobhan?"

"Have a nice day. I shall see you later." She gave me another half smile before walking back into the nursery. I walked her walk back in, admiring the way she walked, the way she looked. I knew right there I wanted her, but she was currently in a relationship. I would wait for centuries if I had to.

She may seem cold and boring on the outside, but I do see good in her. I see the good in everyone. I realised maybe I should give her my landline number so we could talk more. I grab a piece of paper and a pen before writing down the number. I shut my car door and run over to the nursery and back into the building. She saw me run back in before looking at me with that cold demeanour again.

"Is there anything else, Vivian?"

"Here's my landline number. I want you to put that next to yours at home. I thought maybe we could grab a coffee sometime." I said before she looked at her phone and started to put the number in.

"Did you not hear me, Siobhan? Don't save it into your mobile. Put it next to your landline at home. That way we can enjoy a peaceful.. meeting without any unwanted guests." I said.

"I would like that. What's your drink of choice?"

"Black americano." I replied to her before she gave me a full smile this time. I could see her visibly blush and that made me feel warm inside.

"I love black americanos. I'll phone you later?"

"Sounds perfect. I'm collecting Jamie at 5 tonight so I'll drop him off at my mums and you can meet me at the coffee shop at 6?" She nods before I wink at her and walk out of the nursery.

All I could think about was the evening planned with my new friend, Siobhan.


Right so I followed a bit of the story line, now I'm gonna make it all fluff (some smut) and a tiny tiny bit of angst. Next chapter, Siobhan leaves Roger. Then yk the rest

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