Chapter 6: War

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I was let out of the infirmary the next day, as I had recovered to complete health and my scratches were healing well. The snow had slowed, and the weather seemed to be taking a turn in the correct direction. Winter was still far from over, as it was only the eleventh moon of the year, but this slight relief was eagerly welcomed.

Life had all but resumed as normal. I tended to Leon every day, waking him, dressing him, accompanying him anywhere he requested, and then doing it all the next day. He had been too afraid to take me to explore the castle after what had happened the time before despite my constant begging. He was caring, but almost too caring now. He treated me as if I were wounded, and was delicate to the touch.

Still, we instead passed the time by talking. We stayed up late every night, simply sharing our thoughts and feelings with one another. Often we talked of Empress Bruma and what we believed her end-game to be, and how the time to act was now. It seemed as though pressure grew every day from the Sulka forces that still inhabited the castle, who had long overstayed their welcome to pick a side; the Empress, or Siggūo. After a long time of no give from the king, they finally left, but the feeling I had was not of relief when I learned of this. They do not leave us as allies, which to them means they leave us as enemies, I thought to myself.

In fact, the political situation of Eaíles was in shambles. Our greatest allies were the Fazen just south of us, yet our relationship had been strained since the grey plague had spread from our land to theirs, the blame rightfully landing on us. We needed all the strength the smallest kingdom in the realm could muster, so it was vital to hold their support.

This is why when Sulka launched an attack on the Fazen, it trapped Ventar into making a choice.

The news came late at night, but in an instant the castle came alive. I was rushed to wake Leon and have him ready for an emergency war counsel. 

"Leon, my prince, there is dreadful news," I told him as he awoke. "You must dress and prepare for counsel."

"John?" he said, rubbing his tired eyes. "What is the meaning of this? Tell me at once, before I am whisked away in the confusion." 

"I know not the full truth in all honesty, but the message seems clear from all I hear from; Sulka has attacked the Fazen," I said grimly, waiting for his reaction. His eyes widened, and a fearful gleam shimmered in them as his face fell. 

"So I was right... It is actually coming to war..." he said, letting himself get lost in thought only a moment before leaping from bed. "We must hurry then. Come now my John, I mustn't arrive to counsel half-nude."

I scrambled to retrieve his clothing and we ran out of the door from Leon's chambers with his shoes still un-tied. The castle was completely alive in the dead of night, and the long stone corridors were packed with all sorts of people running about. Leon had me cling to his hand as not to be lost in the sea of guards and servants as we made our way to the Command Hall, a mysterious room none but a select few nobles were allowed into. We ran through the halls and down several spiral staircases flooded with people who we dodged around as though they were rats before finally making it to the large wooden doors with icicles carved into them that guarded the Command Hall.

I stopped in front of them as Leon charged forwards, letting go of his hand. He whirled around to look at me. "What is it you have stopped for John?" he asked. I was at a loss for words for a moment in my confusion.

"My grace, I am not permitted to enter, I am not a member of the counsel-" I at last sputtered out, but I was silenced by Leon grabbing my arm and pulling me to the door.

"Well consider yourself a member now," he said, pushing the door open and leading me through. I was shocked, but my shock faded as I entered the Command Hall. It was a long and narrow room made of stone floors and wooden walls, which were all carved in a similar fashion to the door so that the entire room looked as though it was dripping in ice. A long wooden table sat in the middle of the room, and led to a circular stained-glass window at the end of the hall that pictured the icy sword of House Fortworth. Already, the many chairs made of fine wood and lush red velvet were being filled by the nobles of the castle. Many still scurried in frantically, taking their seat along the table. 

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