6 I love you im sorry

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"Ok so I was thinking that we should re decorate the brake room-"I smile as we ate breakfast

"Nope" Billie cut me off


"No absolutely not, we literally just did like not even two years ago lani" Billie chuckled

"But it's ugly!" I whine

"Girl- no" Billie put the plates into the sink

"You're so BORING!" I groan

"I am not!" She gasped

"Yes you are!"

"Since when! We literally go and do whatever you want" she tilted her head

"Yeah cuz your ideas are boring" I cross my arms

"No! It's cuz your a little spoiled brat" she pointed

"You're such a lier!" I gasp "your the on thats always like "we'll do what ever you want"." I mock her

"Yeah cuz I listed and do whatever you say" she shrugged

"Then why don't you do this?" I whine

"Lani enough" she sighed

"Enough" I mock

She looked at me with an rbf

"Ok ok fine" I roll my eyes


"Hey! Don't call me a spoiled brat" I just realized that she did

"HAHA" she threw her head back "it's ok I like it, that's why I treat you like a princess" she kissed me

"You freak" i laughed

No one's pov

"What the fuck is that smell?" Billie looked at mia as they sat in her office

"It smells like something's burning" mia tilted her head

"Shit." They both stood up and ran to the brake room

"Oh my god" mia gasped looking at the microwave which had something on fire in side of it

"Oh fuck!" Billie chuckled in a panic, she opened the microwave attempting to grab what was in side of it

"Wait use this" mia wet a rag and went to hand it to Billie

"Ow fuck!" Billie threw her hand back right as Mia walked towards her accidentally hitting her in the eye

Mia stepped back not registering what happened, since Billie had rings on it scratched under her eye making her bleed

"Oh my god." Billie turned to Mia now ignoring the small fire

JJ ran in looking around completely confused

"What the fuck is going on?" He ran to the microwave grabbing the food that was on fire throwing it into the sink

"Lani baby are you ok?" Billie asked anxiously

Mia looked zoned out, dissociated. She knew it was an accident but it caught her off guard

Billie was especially anxious because of Mia's past, she didn't want to trigger anything and she absolutely didn't want her to think it was on purpose

JJ saw this and walked four making sure everyone was back to work and not paying attention to them

"Lani i- I'm" Billie reached for Mia's face but she stepped back

Billie took a breath trying not to freak out as Mai looked up at her almost looking scared, Billie hated this. She wanted anything but her wife to look at her like this

Mia didn't notice that she was doing this. She's not scared of Billie obviously, but it's the adrenaline her instinct, but most of all it's a force of habit, even tho she left Ruben years ago. The things she went through still stick with her

"Sorry" Mia mumbled "I- heh I'm sorry" she tried to laugh it off so Billie won't feel bad

"Baby." Billie's breath got heavy as she didn't know how to deal with this and it scared her.

"I'm- it's ok" Mia shook her head

"No. I'm so sorry" Billie slowly reached for her face again a wave of relief hitting her when Mia didn't back away this time

"It was an accident I know" Mia shook her head

"Lani im so so so sorry" Billie held Mia's face with both hands

"It's ok" Mia smiled but Billie couldn't help but notice she still wasn't fully back

"Com'er" Billie sat her on the counter grabbing a rag wetting it a little "I'm so sorry" she whispered repeatedly as she wiped the line of blood off mias face

"Do I look bad ass?" Mia giggled trying to lighten the situation noticing that Billie's hands where shaking

Billie ignored Mia's comment, she was in her head too much to joke around, she was tariffed to make another wrong move, she's never bin more cautious with her movements then in this moment.

"Billie baby?" Mia looked at her with worry now fully aware of the situation.

"Yeah?" Billie looked up at her with glossy eyes sealing her lips

"I'm ok i promise" Mia smiled

"I love you I'm sorry" Billie tried not to cry,

Billie found it dumb that she was going to cry, she wasn't the one who got hurt so why would she cry?

"Aw Billie it's ok" Mia poked her lip out "I love you too" she got off the counter and hugged her wife.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry" Billie's voice shook "are you mad at me?" She asked in a shaky voice

"Why would I be mad at you? It was an accident" Mia held her tightly

Seeing Billie like this broke her heart, she's never seen her this way.

"I know but I never want to hurt you I didn't mean to scare you I'm sorry" Billie's throat started to hurt

"No it's ok don't apologize" Mia kissed her cheek "see I'm ok it's ok" she held her face

"Here let me- let me get you a bandage Billie sniffed not letting herself unravel at work

She cleared her throat before walking out

Mia knew Billie was beating herself up about this, no matter how much she reassured her that she was ok and it was ok. she knew that wouldn't change Billie's mind.

She pulled her phone out looking in the camera, under her eye was slightly swollen and red already turning a little purple,

It didn't hurt too much it just felt hot, but she hated it cuz she knew Billie would see it and hate herself even more.

Soon Billie came back with a small first aid kit, Mia looked at her hands noticing that she no longer hand any rings on

"Billie really I'm-"

"Please just let me do this for you" she opened the box

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