Just One

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People can see me anywhere
Smiling, doing what ever I have to do.
I talk. I joke. I laugh. I do everything with smiles.
My laughter can carry on for hours and hours.
My smiles can shine the brightest in any crowd.

I go through my days my weeks my months
Easily making small talk and satirical comments
Sometimes serious conversations stroll through.
They say hi and then move on. One comment.
One thought. I'm stuck.

One thought on loop after loop
Loops around every hour, every minute, every second
I try to wonder away. I'm glued.
One thought on loop after loop.

One comment. Slithering behind between under.
I never wonder away. One thought.
Two thoughts. Branching deep. Touch the dark.

Down into the pit of wonder.
What could have been.
What should have been.
What happened.

One thought from one comment now on loop
Darkening my laughter my smile my voice.
One thought from one comment now my being.
I wear a mask of the joker to carry me away
Alone I pull it off. Tears fall

One thought
One comment
No one sees
I'm dark inside
I shine out

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