How i met you

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"Yeonjun hyung" I screamed, faltering backwards into the side of my bed, my head suddenly overwhelmed with the looming feeling of pressure.

"Honey, careful, my goodness" Yeonjun sweet talked, rushing down to my level, a hand resting upon the already bruising area.

"Don't scare me like that," I said, my voice slightly harsher than I intended.

I could have sworn for a second that I felt his hand pushing down on my scalp, the pressure becoming overwhelming in just a few seconds.

I've always kept myself to myself in regards to Yeonjun, mentally and physically but as I felt consciousness slip my grasp I was forced further and further into his arms, his cold skin and prominent bones evident in his discomforting embrace.
One could describe it as the clutch of death, the line between one's breathing and burying. Whether I wake up this time I could only hope, please may death's grasp be sweeter and softer than Yeonjun's, please.


"SOOBIN" I yelled out, holding the now unconscious body of Kai below me.

Soobin practically ran into the room, eas red, eyes widened to the point of extreme panic.

"Deal with him" I instructed, dropping Kai's body to the floor and storming away without a second thought.
I watched as Soobin rushed towards the boy on the floor. I hadn't initially intended to hurt him but oh he looked so pretty when he was dazed. Maybe I did intend to do it. I wouldn't know.

What Beomgyu had said I did not know but that scratchy throat and impaired words told me all that I needed to know. He had spoken, he had broken the rules, he had disobeyed me, he had his warnings. He didn't listen.

It was as if Beomgyu knew what he had coming, my eyes meeting his as I slammed into my room in anger.

"I'm so sorry" Beomgyu spluttered, coughing out his words as best as he could through a strained throat and weak cries.

"You fucking idiot " I whispered as I pulled his neck towards me, his body stifled in fear.

Beomgyu began to hit my back with as much strength in his ever-shrinking body, his attempt weaker than he had hoped it was. As I heard his breathing become shallow and short I let go, his desperate hits coming to an end. Simultaneously, he was always exhausted.
"Now, why on earth did you do that? " I asked sternly. He only had one shot at answering. If he lied, well, he knew what work happen next.

"Lonely," Beomgyu said with as much clarity as he could. His speech was bad enough after he lost his tongue, having just been strangled within a second of his life the words barely sounded like anything other than a mix of pathetic cries and coughs of pain.
I however could always understand him.

I'm the only one who can, not Soobin, not Taehyun, not Kai. I will be the only one who ever understands him for the rest of his life. He needs me. He will need me.

"Being lonely doesn't excuse what you did. YOU HAVE ME. IS THAT NOT ENOUGH FOR YOU? AM I NOT GOOD ENOUGH FOR YOU? I am who you need, do you hear me? Even Taehyun who you seem to like too much would push you away in the end, HE HAs NOTHING I DON'T HAVE. YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO LOVE ME"* Yeongin screamed, tears welling in his eyes, too many emotions for him to handle at once. Yeonjun was exactly like this when Beomgyu first saw him.

WARNING- This flashback contains a description of parental loss, alcoholism and forms of physical and mental abuse. If you aren't in the right headspace for this section take some time to do something comforting and feel free to skip this flashback as it isn't a plot point but helps to establish relationships between the characters.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08 ⏰

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