Ch.6: The plans for this week.

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Inside of Y/n's bedroom as his entire room is getting filled up with gray clouds as Ororo was quietly walking her way as she peppers him with kissing due to her love for him by the hippie who cursed him yesterday and making Y/n waking up as he saw his room was filled up with clouds from floor to the ceiling, making him confused about it.

Y/n: Ororo? Did you prank me? If you did, it's not funny.

Ororo: No I didn't. But you're awake and seeing it now, aren't you?

He looks around and she wasn't lying about it because she demonstrate her powers yesterday when he brought her and Kazehana back to Hahari's mansion. So at the dining table why everyone is eating breakfast but Chun-li told Hahari that she'll investigate on Y/n's old house as she explained to why he and Jacob got evicted in the first place as she asked Y/n his location for his landlord's house that he visits to have a BBQ party as he wrote down his address and gave it to her, she thanked him and told everyone that she'll be back with full evidence.

Jacob: Will you be back home, big sis li?

She bends to his little brother's level and head patted him.

Chun-li: Yes, Jacob. I will. You have my word?

Jacob brings out his pinky finger and he looks at her cutely at Chun-li.

Jacob: Pinky promise?

She smiled at him and made a pinky promise to Jacob as everyone said aww to Jacob because Y/n taught him how to make a pinky promise and he was proud of him. After he was getting his backpack and Ayaka was about to teach Jacob subtraction as he was about to leave, Yubelluna hugs him while she shoved his head into her breasts but she asked him a question.

Yubelluna: When you get home from school, could we have a date on Wednesday this week, honey? I wanted you to treat me as a lady.

Y/n: (muffled) Ok, Yubelluna. I'll make a promise outta that but could you let me go because I need to breathe and your breasts are suffocating me.

She lets go of him and allow him to breathe a fresh air of relief but Ororo hugged him from behind while her breasts was pressing on his back.

Ororo: And when you get home today, you can spend the rest of the day with me if you like, my tempest.

He was blushing as he ran out of the house before he was about to pass out due to him being flustered to the max and Kazehana was sneaking her way to his bedroom. While Y/n was walking to his school but he has a feeling that he was being watched but he ignores it as he kept going but a low cloud of gas was in the forest while a woman in the gas while smiling at him.

???: Looks like I've found my own boyfriend.

Then she disappeared into her gas cloud and vanished without a trace. He was continuing to walk his way to school but he sees the perverted trio as he was hearing their plot again, he screamed at them but his senior, Daidouji, who was doing her workout as she saw Y/n was screaming about how brainless to the perverted trio is, she walked up to the perverted trio as she cracked her knuckles and then proceeded to beat them up without no mercy as Y/n was smiling at her.

Y/n: It's a good thing that Daidouji was there in the first place. Maybe they'll finally learn their lesson.

After several minutes later, he finally arrived at his school and went inside of his school but he heard something was going on in his art class and he went to investigate it. When he opened the door and see his classmates was throwing a party and Y/n was confused about it.

Y/n: What in the world is going on here?

One of his female students went to his and said.

Mary: The perverted trio is getting suspended from our school!

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