Chapter Three

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You open your eyes, and to your surprise, you are standing up, wearing your normal clothes, and you are in a sunny meadow with flowers of all kinds, from lavender to roses and lilies to daisies almost every kind of flower was there. You take in a deep breath and smell all the fresh scents of the flowers.
There are some large oak trees placed at random in any direction, and the sky is light blue and sunny
with barely a cloud in the sky. You feel the warmth of the sun on your back, you smell all the scents of the flowers, you see the beautiful sky above you, and you can hear the song birds chirping in the trees. Everything seems perfect, and you begin to smile and laugh and dance all around the flowers
in a happy mood! But all of a sudden, a strong wind starts to pick up from in front of you, and it's so strong that you start to cover your face with your hands and arms, but as you try to, you see that everything around you starts to fade. The flowers turn to dust, and the trees start rotting away. You look in horror to see that even the sun is puffed out and the sky turns to a sickle pale brown with
no clouds in the sky at all. All around you, things start to change, where there were once flowers, now stands nothing but the pale ground of brown, where trees once stood, now stands nothing, and where there was once hope and happiness, now stands a feeling of gloom and death. You are in shock, all of the beautiful landscape is all gone, and as you look up towards the sky, you notice a dark, black figure in front of you many feet away. Filled with curiosity, you start walking towards it, hoping that this person could help you. As minutes pass by, you notice that it is very far away, and it is going to have to take you much longer than you expected. After a long time, you finally reach the body. As you walk closer, you notice that the air feels heavier here, and the figure is dressed in black robes.
You then get the great idea of touching it to get its attention, but when you did, you noticed that its robes felt like the hand in the. Oh no, this figure was that same guy you met at the cemetery. The thing then suddenly turns to you with a fast twist of the body. That same chill from the cemetery came over you again, and you start to feel numb as it put its hand on you, and then it says the same phrase it said at the cemetery, "I AM YOUR WORST... NIGHTMARE!"

You open your eyes and sit up, your brow is covered in sweat, and you are breathing uncontrollably.
You let out a sigh of relief. It was just a nightmare, and it was never real in the first place. You
look around you, you seem to be in your bed, which was giant and was colored in different shades
of red and white. This was weird since the last thing you could remember was falling asleep on
the chair, and see your friend leave for the night. You look towards the direction of the window, the sun was shining brightly, it must be almost noon you say to yourself. You get up, sitting on the right
side of the bed, you stretch your arms and get up, always remembering to make your bed so your butler doesn't have to do it. You walk outside into the hallway, and the sun brightens it up wherever
it can. After passing doors and turning corners, you reach the stairs, which are large and wide, they
are also lined with different patterns in the wood design, and at the end downstairs, there are two
golden nobs, one one each side. You go down the steps, and within seconds, you are already downstairs, and once you are, you turn right, then right again, and pass through a hallway that is
squeezed between the stairway and a wall. You walk right through, and when you reach the other side, you smell an aroma of eggs and bacon, plus some toast. "My oh my," you shot up in response to
the wonderful smell, "What do we have here, a hardy breakfast, or lunchon for me!" You are so confused about the dream, but lunchon seems nice. "Yes, it is a hardy breakfast, and I hope you enjoy it." You thank him for his work, sit down in your wooden chair, pray to God for this heavenly meal, put on hankerchief, and you dug into the food.

After a while, you asked your butler to tell you what happened last night, and he said, "Well sir, after the conversation, you seemingly fell asleep, and I had to carry you back to your bed." You apologize to your butler, but he says that it was fine. He even says, "I quite enjoyed the workout!" Even though
he says this with a cheerful voice. You still felt a bit embarrassed that he had to carry you upstairs and back into your bed. You then tell him that you were going to Smith's house to "finish" your little
conversation with him. He thinks about it and then says, "Well, you're going to need a carriage driver to get you there." You then laugh and finish up your meal by drinking your cup of fine tea and eating the last bits of toast from your plate.

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