Part 7

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The sun was shining brightly over the School of Giggles, casting a golden glow on the sprawling grounds where students roamed freely between classes. It was one of those perfect days where everything felt light and easy, and Bella couldn't help but smile as she walked hand-in-hand with Mia.

The past few weeks had been a whirlwind of emotions for Bella, but everything had fallen into place perfectly. Telling her parents about Mia had lifted a weight off her shoulders, and now, with their support, Bella felt more confident than ever about her relationship.

As they strolled through the courtyard, Bella and Mia found a quiet spot under a large oak tree—a favorite place of theirs where they could sit and talk or simply enjoy each other's company without interruption.

Mia plopped down on the grass, pulling Bella down with her. "This is my favorite spot," Mia said, lying back and gazing up at the leaves that danced in the breeze.

Bella smiled and leaned against the tree, watching Mia with a fondness that had only grown deeper since they'd become closer. "Mine too," she replied, her voice soft.

Mia turned her head to look at Bella, her eyes sparkling with that familiar mischievous glint. "So, how's my favorite girl today?"

Bella felt her heart skip a beat at the way Mia's words made her feel. "She's really good," Bella said, leaning in a little closer. "Especially now that she's with you."

Mia grinned, propping herself up on one elbow to get closer to Bella. "Good to hear," she murmured, her voice dropping to a playful whisper. "Because I've been dying to do this..."

Before Bella could ask what Mia meant, she felt Mia's fingers brush lightly against her side, sending a jolt of ticklishness through her body. Bella gasped and immediately burst into laughter, squirming away from Mia's teasing touch.

"Mia!" Bella giggled, trying to grab Mia's hand to stop her, but Mia was quick, darting her fingers to Bella's other side and tickling her again.

Bella's laughter rang out, echoing through the quiet courtyard as she tried—and failed—to escape Mia's playful tickling. "Okay, okay, you win!" Bella managed to gasp between giggles, her face flushed with laughter.

Mia finally relented, a triumphant smile on her face as she moved closer to Bella, who was still catching her breath. "You're too easy," Mia teased, her voice filled with affection.

Bella rolled her eyes, but she was still smiling. "I'm not that easy... You're just really good at this."

Mia's grin softened into something more tender as she reached out to brush a strand of hair from Bella's face. "And I'm really lucky to have you," she said softly, her eyes locking with Bella's.

Bella felt her breath hitch, and before she could overthink it, she leaned in, closing the distance between them. Their lips met in a gentle kiss, one that was both sweet and full of promise. Bella's heart raced, but it was a comforting kind of excitement, the kind that came from being with someone she cared about deeply.

Mia kissed her back, just as softly at first, but then with a growing intensity that made Bella's toes curl in the grass. When they finally pulled apart, both of them were breathless, their foreheads resting against each other as they smiled.

"Wow," Bella whispered, her voice barely audible.

"Yeah," Mia agreed, her smile widening. "Wow."

They stayed like that for a moment, savoring the closeness, the warmth that spread between them. It was a feeling that Bella had never experienced before—a perfect mix of love and joy, the kind that made her feel like she was exactly where she was meant to be.

Mia's hand found Bella's again, their fingers intertwining as they settled back into the grass. But Mia wasn't quite done with her playful antics. With a sly grin, she gave Bella's foot a quick, light tickle, just enough to make Bella squeal and giggle all over again.

"Really?" Bella laughed, trying to sound exasperated but failing miserably.

"Really," Mia replied, leaning in to steal another kiss. "Because I love hearing you laugh."

Bella's laughter softened into a contented sigh as she rested her head on Mia's shoulder, their hands still entwined. The tickling, the kissing, the endless smiles—it was all part of the beautiful chaos that was their relationship, and Bella wouldn't have it any other way.

As they lay there under the oak tree, the world seemed to fade away, leaving just the two of them, wrapped in each other's arms. For Bella, this moment was perfect—a glimpse into a future filled with love, laughter, and the endless joy of being with someone who made her feel truly special.

And as the sun dipped lower in the sky, casting a warm glow over the School of Giggles, Bella knew that she had found something real, something worth holding onto. With Mia by her side, she felt like she could take on anything the world had to offer.

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