Sun signs and moon signs

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When I do readings on the signs of the zodiacs, I'd prefer to use Vedic eastern astrology/sidereal astrology because it's more in depth with the moon sign version the westernized version of astrology that's more into sun signs. Sun sign is basically your ego, your overall personality and the generalization of your whole chart all into that sign defining who you are. The moon sign is your inner self that no one barely sees unless you are in a relationship and even, they can't see that but you. So basically Western = sun chart. Eastern = moon chart. Both are still informational if you're interested. Vedic astrology is much older though... and don't get me started on all the 13th AND 14th sign. I'll get to that in some other chapters. So, if you wonder why I go for readings of moon signs more than sun signs, it's for it to be more accuracy than just an overall view of one sign as a whole. Yes, tropical natal charts have all the planets, sun, mercury, Venus, mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, etc; same goes for sidereal charts. The only difference is western is more interested in the sun sign and the eastern is more interested in the moon sign describing the chart. I hope that makes sense. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2024 ⏰

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