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It's been a month since sana, me and Tanmay became friends.
I have felt genuine friendship with Garima Also but somewhere she was always Tanmay's girlfriend but now i have my own and it's her.

Well she is kinda cute, the way she speaks.
She is somehow a baby but still mature.
She jokes around but also gets serious when its required.

Whenever I see her I remember mom.
She was like this too happy-go-lucky Even when she was around 40.

I smiled to myself as I was on my way to school.

I met Tanmay on my way.
We both travelled the remaining way together.

We went inside the class and saw her. She was studying something.

"Hey" Tanmay said.
"Hey" She said with a dull voice.
"Is there something bothering you?" I asked her and she looked at me with shocking reaction.
I don't even know why she was shocked but she was.

"No nothing it's just something about my family" She said with a forced smile on her face.
"Honestly Sana you can tell us if you want to" Tanmay said.

We both somewhere know that she is not going to tell us what's bothering us but it was not right to not to ask her about it.

"No nothing serious....." She said

Me and Tanmay looked at each other and said "OK..." What else we could say.
We couldn't force her to tell us about this.

We prepared ourselves for our first class As the teacher came.

After three periods we found ourselves in canteen with Garima as it was lunch break.

Sana was talking to Garima. Probably talking about her family issue.

As the lunch break ended. Sana was back to normal.
Probably she wanted someone to share her things.
We are okay even if its Garima.

We went home after our day in school.
I was chilling with Nana ji in our house garden until I got a call from Tanmay.

"Hi bro" I said.
"Bro. I asked Garima about sana's family issue" Tanmay said.
"What was it?" I asked.
"Her family is fixing her engagement" He said and my eyes widened in shock.
"What?? Why??" I asked.
"Chill I was just joking" Tanmay said and laughed "But why were you so concerned?" He continued.
"Because she is a friend Tanmay. I don't want her to destroy her life" I said.
"Hmmm vivaan I know you since years don't forget that....I even know what you are hiding from yourself too" He said.

I wondered what is he even saying? Like I am hiding nothing from him and myself too.
I was genuinely concerned for her because this isn't right age to get engaged.

"So what's actually the matter?" I asked Tanmay.
"Garima said that yesterday she and her parents talk about how Sana should not study after that because that makes no sense. They will never let her do any job so whats there to even study for." Tanmay said.
"So she won't study after school?" I asked.
"Idiot...that's what I exactly said" Tanmay said
"What did Garima said to her that made her so happy?" I asked because after talking to Garima she wasn't stressed and she was just her usual self.
"Garima Said to relax and convince her parents later and I don't know how On that she felt comfortable" Tanmay said.
"Okk bye Tanmay and I have a lot of things to do unlike you." I said and Tanmay with a sigh hung up the call.

I stood still in my house garden and thought about how sensitive she is. She just wanted someone to listen to her and when Garima assured her everything will be fine she was happy again.
She should be taken care of like a flower and I Will take care of her like that.

I wonder why but I want to do that.

Words:- 655

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