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As the evening progressed, we made our way to the dining hall, a grand space that seemed to stretch on forever. The sheer scale of the room was a testament to the size of Aiden's family, a sprawling network of relatives and associates who had gathered for this occasion. The hall was filled with the gentle hum of conversation, the soft clinking of silverware, and the enticing aromas of a sumptuous feast. We took our seats at the long, elegantly set table, surrounded by the trappings of wealth and power. The atmosphere was one of refined elegance, yet beneath the surface, I sensed a complex web of alliances, rivalries, and unspoken tensions waiting to be navigated.

Aiden's family gathered on the left side of the table, their presence filling the space with a sense of familiarity and unity. Meanwhile, we took our seats on the right side, creating a subtle divide between our two groups. Elena, who had briefly excused herself, returned to the room, her fragile health evident in her slow movements and pale complexion. Despite her struggles, she joined the gathering, but it was clear she couldn't stay for long. Notably, the chair at the head of the left side remained vacant, its emptiness drawing attention to the absent figure. The question hung in the air, unspoken but palpable: "Where is Iliana?"

Aiden asked loudly, his voice filled with impatience, as he refused to touch the cutlery, waiting for one of them to leave and escort the person named Iliana to the table. "I'll take her there, Papa," Cyrus said, standing up hastily and leaving the table. Notably, no one at the table, except for Caira and her daughter Kynzie, touched the food, as if waiting for the arrival of a person of great importance. The atmosphere was tense with anticipation, and the unspoken question hung in the air: who was this person whose presence was required before anyone could eat?

Aiden continued to tap the table impatiently, his fingers drumming out a rhythm of annoyance. Soon, Cyrus returned and offered an explanation, "She's feeding Mama Elena right now and will come back after that." The tapping slowed, then ceased, as Aiden's gaze lingered on Cyrus, awaiting Iliana's arrival. The room remained still, with all eyes fixed on the empty chair, as if holding their collective breath in anticipation of her entrance. The exception was Caira and Kynzie, who quietly savored their food, seemingly immune to the tension.

As the others began to eat, Aiden remained fixated on his plate, his hands moving mechanically to cut his steak into small pieces. Yet, he showed no interest in consuming them, his attention still diverted, awaiting Iliana's arrival. His actions seemed almost ritualistic, a mere pretense of eating, as his gaze periodically drifted towards the empty chair, his expression a mixture of anticipation and irritation. The sound of clinking silverware and muted conversations filled the room, but Aiden's focus remained elsewhere, his patience level was quiet high.

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