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Yoongi pov

"We will never leave each other, okay?" said the little girl to the little boy. 

"Okay" said the little boy while smiling.

"Promise?" said the little girl while showing her little pinky finger.

"Promise." said the little boy while interwining his little pinky finger with hers.

"Aghhh" I again woke up after seeing this dream. I noticed that my forehead is full of sweat, just like the other times.

I'm having a terrible headache now. I always see this dream and then wake up with a headache and forehead covered with sweat.

This time my head is paining more then other times. I can't even sleep now so I take medicine to reduce the headache. 

Fortunately the medicine is working and I feel quite good. 

Tomorrow is my first day of school after summer, it's gonna be the last year of high school.

Honestly I'm not excited about going to school or sad that this is gonna be the last year. 

I always hated school because those students shouting, yelling, girls laughing out loud, boys making troubles. 

I don't know what's gonna happen tomorrow, maybe there are gonna be new students in our class just like the other years. But I don't actually care about those new students. Because they are just like others in my class. I can't wait to finish this year.

"Another year of school, another year of suffering." I think.

But then suddenly I started thinking about the dream I always see and saw today. 

I never see their faces but by the voice and the height I can tell that maybe they are 4 years old? 

I'm having this same dream since I was 7 years old.

"Who are they?"

"Why do I always see them in my dream?" I think.

I sleep while thinking about the dream.

Yn pov

"Aghh" I woke up again after this dream with full of sweat and a terrible headache. 

At first I have been trying to sleep but I couldn't. Then when i slept after a lot of struggle this dream woke me up just like every night.

"What is this dream?" 

"Why do I always have headache after seeing it?" I think.

 I take medicine to reduce my headache and it helps me.

Tomorrow is my first day of school here in Seoul, and it's also the last year of high school.

My dad is a businessman and 'cause of business we had to live in America all these years. But this year we came back to Korea.

I'm not excited about going to school. I don't like the crowd of students in class, hallways. I always love silent places, calm and peaceful. 

I only go to school because of my studies. I have no other reason of going to school. 

Many of my classmates in America used to make fun of me because I'm not like them.

And I know that the same thing is gonna happen here too.

"When am I gonna finish my studies and start my own career?" I think.

Thinking about school I felt my eyes are closing because of sleepiness.

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