Chapter 30. Is that... jealousy?

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Hoseok had always considered himself immune to petty emotions like jealousy. He never coveted what others had or sought to elevate himself above anyone else. But now, reality splashed cold water on his self-assured facade.

Jung Hoseok, the formidable CEO of Veritas, found himself envious of a dark-haired man—a stranger with doe eyes and a disarmingly innocent smile. JK had waltzed into his life, crossing the threshold as if he owned the place. And perhaps, in Taehyung's heart he did claim a space right next to Hoseok.

JK fussed over his captain—feeding him, ensuring his comfort in Hoseok's own bed. It was a role that should have been Hoseok's, yet there he stood, a silent observer, smiling as if Hoseok had never witnessed that curve of his lips before. The ache of lost ground and missed chances settled deep within him, and he wondered if he could ever reclaim what had slipped through his fingers.

Hoseok's urgency had pushed Colonel Park and General Hwang to expedite the weapon testing. Taehyung, still recovering, would eventually undergo training for it. All Hoseok wanted to do was go back home, forget all about the Captain that stole his heart and crush it. Forget about the JK that everyone seemed to fawn over, as if he was some sort of celebrity. He yearned for the pristine emptiness of his home—a sanctuary where he could retreat, nurse his wounds, and forget. The cave of solitude awaited him, a place to bury memories and mend what had been broken.

Namjoon's gaze bore into Hoseok's, a gaze so deep that cut through the aftermath of their training. They had completed the initial steps—the software intricacies, the theoretical groundwork. Now, only the live firing remained. Hoseok knew he was in a rude awakening even before Namjoon spoke.

"Say it." Hoseok's gaze remained fixed on the scorching sun, its intensity mirroring the turmoil within him. Namjoon's presence was a reminder—a mirror reflecting the tangled threads of his heart.

"You're jealous." Namjoon said as a matter of fact. Anyone could see how Hoseok's jealousy was eating at him. The glares he sent JK's way, the coldness he treated Taehyung.

"Am not." Hoseok replied, not meeting his eyes.

"Yes, you are." Namjoon replied back. "I bet; you could even kill JK without even batting an eye."

"I could." Hoseok agreed.

"You're mostly doing this to yourself," Namjoon observed, amusement lacing his words.

Hoseok's voice was dry, brittle. "Meaning?"

Namjoon leaned against the wall, arms crossed. "Indecisive." he mused. "Why not do both of you a favour and get back together? Love doesn't fade easily."

Hoseok scoffed, the ache of longing surfacing. "Have you seen JK?" he retorted. "After this, I'm going home and forgetting all about it."

Namjoon's gaze held knowing. "You'll never marry another," he said cryptically. "At some point, you'll find your way back. I'm just speeding up the process."

"How are you so sure?" Hoseok stared at him, as if he could try to read into his mind. He wondered, how was his mind working. What could he possibly see that other didn't.

Namjoon's gaze held a quiet certainty, as if he'd glimpsed a truth beyond the visible. "How am I so sure?" he echoed. "Because some things transcend logic." His words hung in the air, a cryptic promise. "And also," Namjoon continued, leaning closer, "because I'm quite interested myself in something." His smirk hinted at hidden calculations; secrets woven into the fabric of existence. "I've already ran the numbers—the probabilities, the paths. They all lead to the same conclusion."

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