Chapter 10

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There was a brief moment of silence, before Aimee started hearing a deep, throaty chuckle from the other end of the phone. “No, guess not”He said.”There is just something about you that makes me want to come back for more Aimee.” She couldn’t help but chuckle at him.”You are still too much,”Aimee said on her phone.”So, what are you up to right now, everything alright?” There was a brief pause as Alejandro mulled over his words, to prepare his thoughts on what he wanted to say to her.”No everything is fine, I’ve just started my lunch break and I’m about to head of the office for a work lunch with some of my colleagues”He replied, running one of his large hands throughout his carefully styled dark brown hair while the other held his sleek black smartphone. “Just wanted to call and see how things were going.”

     She thought about sharing the news of what she has been up to with her business, but she decided to hold off and wait for a time where she could share it with all of her best friends. “Well, I’ve been staying home today at my gorgeous apartment doing a little work from stuff, and now I am going to head over to the gym to get a good full body workout in”She replied. “Gotta maintain this luscious figure and get these gains or something”

Alejandro let out another hearty laugh, as he leaned back his office chair hearing the commentary on working out and talked about what she was up to. “Man ever since high school, you’ve always been so ambitious and hardworking not to mention that sense of humor of yours”He remarked.  “Obviously, I’m proud of you for owning your own business and being successful, try not to overwork yourself and uh after you workout definitely get some rest in okay?”  Aimee nodded and said, Aye Aye captain!”

Alejandro was shaking his head as he let out a chuckle. Suddenly, he heard some knocking on the door to his private office. “Hey Alejandro the Uber is going to be here in 15 minutes”Steve said aloud from behind the door.”Alright I’ll be downstairs and meet you out front soon”Alejandro said.”Just need to finish this call first, thanks for letting me know.”Steve said,  “no problem I’ll see you downstairs!” 

  The next sound he heard from the modern cozy interior of his office was the retreating footsteps of his colleagues' dress shoes clicking on the floor.” Looks you’ll have to head out soon by the sounds of it, anyways it was really good to hear from you”She said warmly.”Hope that you have a great time at that work lunch, and that you  enjoy the rest of your day.”Although Alejandro was saddened to end the call, he appreciated the time he got to spend catching up with her even if it was just for 15 minutes. After a couple minutes of comfortable silence Alejandro finally spoke up.

     “Thanks Aimee, and uh enjoy your workout business lady”He said. The sound of her laughter after he said that was pure unadulterated music to his ears, but something he could never admit out loud to her. After saying their goodbyes, they both hung up and started to get on their respective tasks. While Aimee was putting on her pink crop top and leggings, as she was preparing her gym bag, simultaneously Alejandro was already heading down to the first floor with the elevator. “Honestly, it’s great that we get to go and try out that upscale Italian restaurant for the work lunch”Steve said as he adjusted his suit jacket in the back of the Range Rover. “I just kinda was hoping to eat alone and not have to interact with people, especially from another company I don’t even know.”Alejandro nodded as he looked outside of the back seat window at the surroundings that they passed by.”I mean I get what you mean, usually I like to in my office or maybe in my car”Alejandro remarked as he ran his large hands through his gorgeous dark brown hair.”At least we are getting paid for being there and it’s all on the company’s tab.”Steve couldn’t help but laugh and agree with his colleague.”You’re  not wrong, I mean we get to be paid and well fed not the worst fate in the world” He said. “I think I’ll order some Tiramisu, and box it up so I can take it home my wife would love it”

  The hour Aimee spent  at the gym running on the treadmill to do deadlifts and push ups, went by like a blur as she was laser focused on getting a good workout in. By the time she had finished her last set, Aimee let out a deep sigh of relief before taking a swig, of the  vanila ice cream protein shake from her pink metal bottle.”That was so exhausting, but at least I got listen to some good music with my headphones”Aimee said quietly to herself, as she tossed her gym bag over her shoulders.”Time to hit the shower real quick, so I can go home and take a fat nap before dinner.”

   Much time had passed since it was the afternoon, where Aimee was at the gym and her friends were at work. Finally, the day was nearly over and everyone was already back in the comfort of their own places that they called home.

    John was in a classic white t-shirt with gray sweatpants, as he relaxed on a satin modular couch of the cozy luxury apartment he shared with his best friend. “Another day another dollar”He said, sighing, while he sipped on his Kombucha, letting the cool fermented liquid cascade down his throat. Briefly, he turned his head to his roommate walking over to him, holding a plate of Bruschetta still in his suit and tie.”What’s all this fort?”He asked. Alejandro shrugged his broad shoulders as he handed him the plate.”I had this work lunch at this upscale Italian spot downtown and the food was really delicious”He said as unbuttoned his dress shirt, revealing a couple of the hairs on his lean muscular chest.”After work, I decided to go back and get a little something for you”

John couldn’t help but be touched by such a simple gesture.”Appreciate it”He said warmly.”Did you already eat dinner already then?”John asked, his blue eyes staring up into the brown eyes of his roommate.”I already ate, but I can make you something if you’d like”

Alejandro had a soft smile on his face, as he shook his head looking down at his Scottish friend who was sat on their couch.”No that’s okay, I actually got something after work”He replied.”Right now I’m just going to hop in the shower, maybe do some light skincare before I crash on my bed, had a long day Soap.”

John chuckled.”Alright, well have a good night then”John said warmly. Alejeandro said goodnight him, before waltzing towards to the bathroom to start his relaxing nightly routine.

“I’m gonnae text her see what she’s up to”John said to himself, as he pulled out his phone.”It feels like it’s been ages since I’ve talked to her.” So, for the next 14 minutes John and Aimee were chatting about their days, sending each other memes and TikToks. “So, you went to the gym?He asked.”Yeah, I was on the treadmill for like 24 minutes, then I did some deadlifts, push ups, and like some other weight lifting exercises”She replied.”I was sweating like the devil in a sauna, felt exhausted but it was worth it Johnny.”John let out a deep throated chuckled as he talked to her on the phone.”I feel like you’re being a little dramatic lass”He said.”Surely, you couldn’t have been sweating that much Aimee”

Suddenly, he heard a bell sound signaling a text message.”Check your texts”She said. John was a tad bit confused, but agreed and moved to open his text messages from her. When he saw that gym selfie of her, his breath was suddenly caught in his throat. Aimee was wearing a red sports bra with matching leggings that accentuated the beauty of her thick, curvy figure. From the black tennis shoes, with her long ginger goddess length braids that were in a loose bun, to the way that all that sweat appeared to make her rich brown complexion shine underneath those gym lights had him rendered speechless. Her smile, and how she flexed had him feeling so impressed and attracted to her all at once. “John, are you still there?”She asked, her concerned tone bringing him back to reality. John had a slight blush on his cheeks before he cleared his throat.”Yeah, I’m still here just a bit tired from work is all”He said, silently thanking the gods that she couldn’t see the absolute state  he was in.”But uh you looked good in that picture, looks like you put in a lot of work in and had a lot of fun while doing it”

“Thanks Johnny, sometimes I don’t like exercisng because I get all sweaty and gross afterwards”She said chuckling.”But I mean the gym I go to has a lot great equipment and luxury services like saunas, massages and all that jaz, plus a lot of people there are so nice and helpful.”

Pretty soon after that they both said goodnight to one another and hung up the phone. As John started to eat his Bruschetta and tried to focus on the movie that was playing on the flatscreen tv, he struggled because the only thing on his mind was that gym selfie that his best friend sent to him and how utterly perfect she looked. That hint of attraction he felt for her had begun to bloom as if it were a flower after the spring rain. All he could do was run his large rough palms over his head and whisper,’Fuck I might be falling for my best friend.”

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09 ⏰

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