In the far, far past, many people were inspired by Kimi because of his unique battles, amazing fighting tactics, and his heroic acts such as defeating the dragon, the dragon was a monstrous beast that killed many. The dragon made thousands afraid it terrorized about a hundred villages and cities destroying a thousand houses. Kimi was almost killed by the dragon but managed to escape its gaze, unlike many others. Kimi set up an order, The Order of Kale, which consisted of 5 members. The members were Kimi, Gigi, Kelly, and Marta but the last one was never talked about. Kimi was a fighter and was good at it too, Gigi was a fast and amazing at building, Kelly was a mechanism genius, and Marta was a survivalist and can survive for 3 months without food or water from home. The order has many legends and tales, they helped many and killed threats. But the fifth member knew they were lying to everyone.... So he went up to a microphone and gave a speech... ¨Hello foolish people who believe in these fakers they're not even heroes. Their FAKE the entire order is fake they used a command panel to make the dragon disappear and just poofed it out of existence and the same with most of the fires. The order is just a bunch of nobles with fancy suits and dresses.¨233 words
My Short Stories
Short StoryThese are just some of my short stories that are below 2000 words some are old some are newer than others but I am mostly the only author of these stories.