In a mystical world, the child of the sun, Sora, embarks on a life-changing journey. One fateful day, Sora crosses paths with the child of the moon, Cory. Despite their contrasting origins, an instant connection is formed, and an extraordinary friendship blossoms between them.As their bond deepens, Cory stumbles upon a lost soul, a ghost child named Kelly. Touched by the ghost's plight, Cory decides to adopt Kelly, determined to help them heal from the deep wounds of their past family. Together, they navigate the intricate web of PTSD and trauma, offering solace and support.Unbeknownst to their loved ones, the child of the moon bears a secret burden. Slowly, their life force wanes, and the weight of their condition threatens their very existence. Afraid of causing worry and pain to their newfound family, they choose to suffer in silence, concealing their impending demise.However, secrets have a way of unraveling, and the truth cannot remain hidden forever. When the truth finally emerges, the reactions from their loved ones are as expected - a mixture of shock, sorrow, and a desperate scramble to find a solution. Together, they must confront the harsh reality and find a way to save the child of the moon before it's too late.This heartwarming and bittersweet tale explores the power of friendship, love, and the lengths we go to protect those we hold dear. It delves into themes of sacrifice, resilience, and the healing power of empathy. Will the child of the moon's family be able to find a way to save them? Or will they be forced to say goodbye to their beloved friend and lover forever?277 words
My Short Stories
Short StoryThese are just some of my short stories that are below 2000 words some are old some are newer than others but I am mostly the only author of these stories.